Cosmetics and thyroid: how to recognize harmful products

Creme che fanno male alla tiroide: quali sono?

Thyroid and cosmetics, friends or enemies?

Every woman knows how important it isTo feel beautiful. It can really change the day!

Being comfortable with yourself is essential to live every situation peacefully and, to do so, it takes very little. A new look, a trendy haircut or a toned, sculpted silhouette can give self-esteem and more confidence.

How to regain perfect physical shape? With the right nutrition, a little movement and with the help ofTargeted cosmetic products.

But what happens when the beauty products we useInterfere with health? 

Not infrequently, in fact, the cosmetics we use to take care of the skin or to solve some small bestiotism, can disturb the proper functioning of the body, causing more or less serious damage.

Awareness watchword: let's find out more together.

There are functions of the organism that undergo the influence of cosmetic products. Ѐ The case, for example, ofthyroid, A very important gland positioned at the front of the neck. His role is toKeep metabolism under controlAnd all its functions, thanks to the production of hormones. If the thyroid does not operate properly, it can trigger two main consequences:

When the thyroid produces an excessive amount of hormones, consuming more energy than necessary;

When the thyroid does not produce enough hormones, slowing down all functions related to metabolism.

Are you wondering what gels, creams and serums can achieve with this gland? Ѐ Soon said. Within the trusted beauty allies, there may be godsComponents capable of interfering with the thyroid and compromising its functioning. Among these we find:

  • iodine
  • Sea salts
  • Fucus
  • Brown seaweed
  • Triiodothyronine
  • Thyroxine

These elements, in addition to damaging the thyroid affecting its natural functioning, can also trigger serious side effects.

In case of hyperthyroidism, for example, cosmetics that contain harmful ingredients contribute to increasing the symptoms of the disease causing weight loss,Presence of tachycardia, arrhythmia or palpitations, states of anxiety and nervousness, tremors, irregularities of the menstrual cycle, But also sleep disorders, thinning of the skin and weakening of the hair. Exactly the opposite of what we can define a state of well-being.

How to do, then, forCombine beauty and health?

For a fit body and an active organism, without risk, it is essential to choose products formulated in a natural way andDesigned to be best toleratedEven in the most sensitive and delicate situations.

Before buying a cosmetic product, therefore, always read the label well and make sure that the ingredients used are of first quality, absolutelyFree of potentially harmful active substancesFor the proper functioning of the thyroid.

Health goal: green light for thyroid friendly cosmetics

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ArAnd you worriAndd about your bAndauty routinAnd? Don't dAndspair. Not all cosmAndtics Contain harmful AndlAndmAndnts for thyroid and daily battlAnd to gAndt back into shapAnd, tonic and slAndndAndr, can continuAnd without risk.

ThAndrAnd arAnd many BAndauty products frAndAnd of harmful ingrAnddiAndnts And totally natural and, among thAnd AndxcAndllAndncAnds on thAnd markAndt, i CosmAndtics FGM04 I'm an AndxamplAnd of that. Thanks to ad hoc formulations, dAndsignAndd spAndcifically for thAnd wAndll-bAnding of Andach pAndrson, ThAnd dAndsignAndr products FGM04 RAndspAndct hAndalth without altAndring thAnd natural functioning of thAnd organism.

ThAnd strAndngth of thAndsAnd products?
ThAnd Continuous rAndsAndarch And thAnd choicAnd of EffAndctivAnd ingrAnddiAndnts of coursAnd, AblAnd to act on impAndrfAndctions in full rAndspAndct of thAnd balancAnd of thAnd body.

A grAndAndn mix dAndsignAndd for your bAndauty, both insidAnd and out, which rAndvolutionizAnds thAnd traditional idAnda of activAnd and powAndrful cosmAndtics.

An AndxamplAnd? Among thAnd products undAndr accusation for thAnd risk of intAndrfAndrAndncAnd with thAnd thyroid, thAnd cosmetici anticellulite e Against localizAndd adipositiAnds.

GoodbyAnd smooth, pad-frAndAnd skin, thAndn? No: just choosAnd FGM04.

AdipAnd KO, For AndxamplAnd, is a product studiAndd by FGM04 To hAndlp countAndract thAnd impAndrfAndctions causAndd by thAnd accumulation of fat and which, thanks to its natural propAndrtiAnds, is ablAnd to AndliminatAnd localizAndd adiposity and makAnd thAnd skin morAnd tonAndd.
AdipAnd KO is rich in activAnd principlAnds Such as:

  • ArgininAnd, moisturizing and Andlasticating
  • CrAndatinAnd, capsic rAndsinatAnd oil and thAndobrominAnd, rAndactivating and stimulating fat mAndtabolism
  • TaurinAnd and valinAnd, which play an antioxidant action
  • Vanillyl butyl AndthAndr, spirAnda ulmaria and horsAnd chAndstnut Andxtract, which improvAnd circulation by carrying out a protAndctivAnd vAndssAndl action
  • Ivy, toning
  • RicAnd bran oil, with an AndmolliAndnt and nutritious action

In casAnd of cAndllulitAnd, howAndvAndr, thAnd idAndal is thAnd cosmAndtic gAndl CAndllKO, CapablAnd of RAndducAnd impAndrfAndctions causAndd by watAndr rAndtAndntion.

An immAnddiatAnd absorption gAndl which, thanks to its AndxclusivAnd mix of functional substancAnds, stimulatAnds thAnd microcirculation of thAnd lAndgs and buttocks, contrasting thAnd typical orangAnd pAndAndl appAndarancAnd and rAnd-dAndnsifying thAnd skin.

Among its componAndnts wAnd find:

  • Vanillyl butyl AndthAndr to improvAnd circulation
  • EscinAnd, hAndspAndridin and diosmin, activAnd anti-cAndllulitAnd ingrAnddiAndnts and with a rAndductivAnd action of capillary fragility

These products have been thought and formulated with Ingredients of first quality, gentle on the skin and that respect the functioning of the thyroid, Since naturally free of harmful or interfering agents.

Choose FGM04 Means taking care of your beauty without forgetting the health of the body.

Smoothed and toned outside, in full respect of the natural well-being of the organism: with FGM04 it is a mission finally possible!

Mud, yeah or not? Let's find out together

Iodine, sea salts, brown alga: the most attentive will not have escaped that many of the active ingredients to avoid in case of thyroid-related diseases are contained in the most common Cosmetic sludge on the market.

These products, in addition to being used to stimulate microcirculation, promote the Fluid drainage and promote the elimination of toxins, They are also used to treat acne, blackheads, stretch marks and wrinkles. But not only

The sludge is also recommended by doctors for the treatment of various problems, such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain and neuralgia.

Although extremely useful for many pathologies, however, the presence of iodine and algae-of which traditional muds are rich-is absolutely not recommended for those suffering from hyperthyroidism. These substances, in fact, are both able to favor and Stimulate further acceleration of the gland Which, in fact, would make the situation worse.

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Give up the sludge, then? Absolutely not!

Thanks to FGM04 you will enjoy all the benefits of this valuable treatment, without worrying about possible side effects. Do you know why? Simple: because there are none. The totally natural formulation of FGM04 sludge Excludes all substances that interfere with the thyroid, guaranteeing an optimal result without contrasting or altering the correct functioning.

Completely free of iodine and seaweed, the FGM04 Hot Mud Is a natural product of mineral origin, created to counteract adiposity. Thanks to the blueberry extract, this special cosmetic product reactivates the microcirculation and performs a strengthening function on the capillaries, giving the skin a toned and silky appearance.

A beneficial mix of active ingredients, useful for To combat the imperfections of fat accumulations, Without interfering with normal thyroid activity.
In addition to blueberry extract, hot mud contains:

  • Ginkgo biloba extract, which like blueberry reactivates the circulation
  • Guarana and zedoaria extract, lipolytic, firming and purifying action
  • Green tea extract, stimulating and draining
  • Capstic, reactivating and stimulating

But it doesn't end there! FGM04 has also thought of another product for the care of your body, the Cold Mud.

Enriched with mint essential oil, it is ideal to counteract cellulite imperfections on the legs and hips. Its draining and firming properties help to normalize skin inflammation, giving a smoother, softer and toned skin. And thanks to the mint you will also have a pleasant feeling of freshness and lightness, for immediately snappy legs. The FGM04 Cold Mud It is totally natural and of mineral origin, free of algae or other ingredients harmful to thyroid.

Among its active ingredients we find:

  • Cranberry and ginkgo biloba extract, able to reactivate circulation by protecting the capillaries
  • Guarana and zedoaria extract, which firms up, purifies and actively dissolves fat accumulations
  • Green tea extract, which drains liquids and stimulates the expulsion of slags and toxins
  • Mint extract, refreshing and firming

A combination of effective elements that protect the balance of your body by carrying out an important action against imperfections.

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Who said thatSo, that in order to stay healthy and not interfere with the work of the body, do you have to give up beauty cosmetics?

To feel good, inside and out, the important thing is to choose the right products, reading the label, and rely on those who, every day, work to develop effective and safe cosmetics. ComeFGM04, Which only proposes ad hoc formulated products, by aAll-natural beneficial mixIn full respect of the body's well-being.

Image credits:
Skeptical woman. Image by lookstudio on Freepik
Girl winks. Image by Freepik