Lose Weight Thighs, Hips and Buttocks

It is true that we fought in favor of female emancipation and that we like to be appreciated for our brains. As Sabrina Salerno and Jo Squillo sang, when they said: "We are women, there is more besides the legs".

But tell me the truth… you too, at least once in your life, made the statement with which I started this article. Having harmonious thighs and hips is certainly the goal of many women.
We may be thin, but we have some areas where fat likes to accumulate. This makes life difficult for us in case we decide to eliminate it.

They call it localized fat, because as the word itself says, it is localized in a precise and limited area. For us women, these areas are predominantly the thighs, hips and buttocks, while for men it is the abdomen.

Localized fat: why is it formed?

To understand how lose weight on the thighs and critical points in general, it is necessary to briefly mention the causes that contribute to the formation of these annoying bearings.

The percentage with which fat accumulates in one area rather than another depends on a genetic component. This, combined with a series of incorrect behaviors, leads to aggravate the problem.

The factors that mostly contribute are:

  • a wrong diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • stress;
  • getting too little rest;
  • taking birth control pills.

Lose weight on your thighs thanks to a healthy diet

A healthy diet is the starting point, the basis for reaching our goal. Healthy eating does not necessarily mean relying on a drastic and restrictive diet.

We often talk about losing just a few centimetres, so a few tricks will be enough and could bring great benefits.

It is important to start with a balanced breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. It must make about 20-25% of total daily calories.

It stimulates the metabolism and will allow us to arrive at the next meal less hungry. We will therefore tend not to overdo it with food.

What can we eat to lose weight on our thighs?

  • Go ahead for white meat, fish, fruit and vegetables.
  • Let's stay away from sausages, snacks, refined foods and above all foods rich in salt which help to increase water retention.

It is important to alternate the three main meals with two snacks, to keep the metabolism active and burn more calories. Let's remember to drink at least two liters of water a day. It promotes the elimination of waste substances from the body and minimizes the intake of too sugary drinks.

Lose weight on your thighs: let's not forget physical activity

dimagrire le cosce

We are aware of the fact that good sporting activity must be an integral part of our lifestyle. It is not a simple aesthetic factor, it is above all a question of general well-being.

We have less and less time and as the years go by and commitments increase, we are not always able to combine it with healthy physical activity.
It is equally true that we need to move. It is one of the factors that we cannot do without if our ultimate goal is to lose weight on the thighs.

If you can't go to the gym or play sports, a 30-minute walk a day is recommended. I'm sure that once you start you won't be able to do without it.

Lose weight on the thighs: here are the Top exercises

There are various exercises that we can do anywhere and which are essential to get the buttocks and legs our dreams.

Squats.  The main exercise.

Known and at the same time feared by all. Definitely one of the most effective.
Spread your legs and slowly go down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to starting position.

20 repetitions repeated at least 3 times will be sufficient.

You lunge.  

Personally it is an exercise that I have always loved, so as not to get bored you can do the walking variant. Standing up, bring the right leg forward and bend the left one so that the knee touches the floor.
Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the left leg.

Again, 20 reps per leg at least 3 times.

The chair.

They'll think you're crazy, but console yourself… you'll have legs and a bum to scream. Lean your back against the wall and spread your feet as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair. Bend your legs until a right angle is formed between the calf and thigh.

Hold this position for at least 10 seconds. We will do 10 repetitions at least 3 times.

Straight leg lateral raises.

Here, too, there are several variations. Here I will explain the lying down one. Stand on the ground on your side. The leg resting on the floor should be kept slightly bent. The one above must be tight.
Lift the leg upwards with the hammer foot and then slowly descend.

We recommend 20 repetitions for each leg 3 times.

Don't be afraid that you'll get footballer's legs. É absolutely improbable, the only effect will be to help you lose weight in your thighs and have high and firm buttocks.  

Power and movement are not enough

alimentazione sana

To lose weight in the thighs or other localized points, diet and movement are not enough. Undoubtedly, they allow us to improve, but to reach our final goal we need to add a few more precautions.

Let's get it into our heads that, to eliminate localized fat and get back in shape, there are no shortcuts and the result depends on the interaction of several factors .
It is a path in which each element takes on a complementary role to the other. It takes persistence and commitment.

A panacea, amply demonstrated, to reactivate circulation and tone the skin is hot/cold therapy. After taking a shower, alternate a jet of cold water and one of hot water in the critical points.

Targeted aesthetic treatments to lose weight in the thighs, carried out by a professional, will help speed up the results. In particular, massages improve circulation and help the metabolism to function properly. They will thus avoid the swelling that accumulates on the legs, thighs and buttocks.

Last step: Topical gels for slimming the thighs

To close the circle, it is absolutely recommended, now from every orientation of thought, to combine all the actions previously addressed with a home cosmetic treatment.
There are good products on the market that help reduce localized fat deposits thanks to the functional substances inserted inside.

Technology has made great strides. A myriad of new and natural active ingredients with proven efficacy have been discovered. Inserted in a cosmetic formulation in the appropriate quantities, they perform their stimulating and reducing function very well.

Avoid buying cheap products.  
Evaluate the product based on the quality and quantity of the ingredients.

The truly effective functional active ingredients are:

  • Phosphatidylcholine. It is obtained from soy and has a lipolytic action.
  • Visnadine. Of botanical origin, it increases blood flow.
  • Caffeine. Lipolytic, stimulating and draining action.
  • Carnitine. Lipolytic, stimulating and draining action.
  • Theobromine. Metabolism stimulant.
  • Vanilla extract. Increases blood flow by improving circulation.

Products with only caffeine or only carnitine will have a minimal effect. Remember that miracles do not exist!

It is absolutely wrong to think of using a cream for 10 days and expecting satisfactory results.
Cosmetics constitute an adjuvant and must be applied consistently for at least 30 days.

Final conclusions

  1. The diet alone will lead me to lose weight in a generalized way, but not in a localized way.
  2. Sports and movement will help me achieve general well-being.
  3. A topical gel, to have the maximum effect, must be combined with the rest.

Healthy diet, regular movement, use of topical gels daily. These are the ingredients of the recipe to lose weight on the thighs and other localized points.

Each of these points, taken individually, will not lead to final satisfaction because they are the sides of the same coin.

To have value, they must all be present.

Recommended products:

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