A concentrate of benefits for everyday well-being. Trusted friend of the body, blueberry is an effective remedy against cellulite and not only: let's see together all the advantages of blue gold.

Cranberry Antioxidant

A small treasure chest that contains dozens of treasures. The blueberry stands as one of the most sought after fruits on the market, thanks to its beneficial properties known since ancient times and now returned to the center of the debate.

Among the advantages of blueberry we point out:

  • Antioxidant power able to block skin aging and the proliferation of oxygen free radicals, and thus prevent any damage to molecules and internal structures;
  • Excellent ally of memory and cognitive ability;
  • Fruit rich in vitamin C, strengthens hair and promotes blood circulation[012753 012752];
  • It has a remarkable draining effect;
  • Helps to deflate the legs;
  • Blueberry burns fat, acting mainly in the abdomen.

Without forgetting its extreme versatility in the kitchen: from jams to cakes, from yogurt to plum cakes, blueberry lends itself perfectly to show off all your skills in the kitchen.

Let's now get to the heart of the powers of the blueberry and focus on its most appreciated characteristics.

The antioxidant property of blueberry

Among the many reasons for this lively blueberry run, one of the first reasons is linked to its antioxidant strength . Science is in fact unanimous in recognizing in the small fruit a very high density of phytonutrients, which perform a double antioxidant and anti-inflammatory function very useful for our health.

wild blueberry is the fruit with greatest antioxidant activity present in nature; This is followed closely by cranberry, blackberry and raspberry.

But what does "antioxidant"? Antioxidants are physical agents that act against free radicals born as a result of oxidation reactions, slowing down or even inhibiting their onset. Oxidation processes are very common within our body and are linked, for example, to digestion, medication, active and passive smoking. From these processes arise free radicals, which if present in excessive quantities are considered responsible for phenomena such as skin aging, vascular problems, raising levels of cholesterol and much more. Hence the fundamental role of antioxidants: creating a balance and going to counteract excess free radicals, balancing organic functions.

Here is the list of elements high in antioxidants:

  • Blueberries and red fruits;
  • Lemons;
  • Spinach;
  • Citrus fruits in general;
  • Kiwi;
  • Grape;
  • Carrots

For more information, see the dedicated page on the website of Fondazione Umberto Veronesi.

Bilberry against swollen legs

Tingling, heaviness and an annoying sense of swelling affects your legs during the summer season and beyond? Don't find relief even during the night? Blueberry is one of the possible solutions.

Where to start? First choose the right product, for example a food supplement based on red fruits or a body gel with blueberry: both have been designed to perform an anti-inflammatory and astringent action, favoring the natural functionality of the microcirculation and improving blood circulation visibly.

Blue gold at the service of memory, heart and hair

We often hear about the virtues of blueberry towards memory. And it's true: the flavonoids contained in blueberries interact with neurons increasing their communication and stimulating the regeneration of brain cells.

Blueberry is also a panacea for our heart: a proper daily dose of blueberries reduces the risk of heart complications and cardiovascular disease.

And that's not all! Blue gold is considered particularly effective for keeping hair healthy. Seeing is believing: thanks to the emollient and regenerating power of this fruit, your hair will return to being strong and shiny in no time!

Blueberry fat burner to fight cellulite

Have you been fighting cellulite for years? Are you wondering why you suddenly have cellulite on your legs and want to figure out how to get rid of it quickly? Let's see how blueberry can support you at this stage.

Let's start by clarifying that magic formulas do not exist, and each case must be evaluated separately. If you have experienced a sudden onset of cellulite on your legs, the reasons may be different. For example:

  • Transient phase of your life, such as pregnancy;
  • Accumulation of excessive overweight;
  • Life too sedentary, so far without particular side effects;
  • Poor blood circulation, which usually occurs precisely on the limbs and extremities of the body;
  • Excessive stagnation of liquids;
  • Chronic constipation, which triggers a compression of blood vessels with consequent aggravation of cellulite.

If you have noticed a rapid onset of cellulite, we invite you to contact your doctor or trusted aesthetic professional and review your lifestyle where possible.

Read more: 4 effective solutions to quickly reduce cellulite.

In the meantime, based on the experience of our many customers we feel like reassuring you: if used consistently and in combination with a healthy lifestyle, the blueberry products we told you about just now will help you to get rid of cellulite on your legs quickly.

In addition to these products we highly recommend the hot anti-cellulite blueberry mud, a slimming hot mud rich in active ingredients that act on localized fat reducing the imperfection of cellulite. Particularly suitable for the abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs, the hot anti-cellulite mud exploits the potential of blueberry protecting the capillaries and reactivating microcirculation. Leave on for about 20 minutes.

Getting rid of cellulite: the importance of prevention

What foods cause cellulite on the legs?

Now that we have understood how in many cases it is still possible to intervene on cellulite, let's take a step back and see how do prevention starting from the table.

Among the contraindicated foods that promote the onset of cellulite are:

  • Cured meats rich in salt;
  • Sweets;
  • Fried;
  • Sugary drinks;
  • Excess coffee;
  • Alcohol;
  • Sugar and refined grains;
  • Snacks and snacks;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Cream and béchamel sauce.

alimenti che non fanno bene alla salute delle gambe

To keep cellulite away as much as possible, we remind you once again of the importance of preferring fruits and vegetables (including our beloved blueberries), fish, whole grains, lean proteins.

Does drinking water help cellulite?

Certainly yes: all doctors recommend drinking plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day. In fact, water has a great purifying power and helps to expel excess toxins. It is therefore an excellent remedy to prevent cellulite, as it helps to keep the skin more elastic and eliminate excess fluids.

Can you drink tap water? Basically yes: the aqueducts of our cities are constantly monitored and purified. Unless contraindicated, you can therefore draw safely from the tap at home.

Blueberries and daily amount

How many blueberries to eat in 24 hours? The recommended dose is about 90 - 100 g per day. A slight increase of up to 150 g could act even more positively on the heart and pressure: ask a specialist for confirmation.

In what forms to eat blueberries? Fruit, juice, yogurt...? The best choice is always that of fruit. Alternatively, ok also for a blueberry extract, as long as there is no added sugar: however, it may be inconvenient to obtain, given the small size of the fruit. Green light also to pure blueberry juices, but make sure that there are no added substances (which unfortunately is very frequent).

And what about sweets, yogurt, plum cakes ...? Once in a while we can give them to ourselves: they are certainly good for the spirit. But be careful not to overdo it: moderation first of all!

Lady image credits with cake and Junkfood: Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik