Difference between Cellulite and Localized Adiposity in Thighs: what is it?

gambe di donna in spiaggia

How many times, looking at ourselves in the mirror, have we asked ourselves “but are these pads fat or cellulite?”. With the arrival of summer fitness becomes a special remark, and achieving the desired silhouette is a real mission.
A battle that must begin with the knowledge of the enemy. Yet, no matter how much we talk about it, distinguishing localized adiposity from cellulite is not so easy, especially when we are not clear about the differences.
Although very different from each other, in fact, these disorders are located in the same areas of the body and, at first glance, seem rather similar.
The first step to regain well-being and lightness? Learn to distinguish them, to fight them effectively!

Localized fat and cellulite: let's find out everything you need to know!

Localized adiposity is an accumulation of fatty tissue in particular areas of the body and varies according to physical conformation. A pathology that materializes in a increase in the volume and number of adipocytes, without however altering the cellular structure or local microcirculation. An increase in “healthy” adipose tissue which, however, involves neither pain nor skin changes.
If you think it's only a female problem, you're wrong.

Adiposity, even if in different areas, affects both sexes.

In the woman the most marked parts are the hips, the belly, the thighs and the inner knee area. All those areas that make us opt for a nice comfortable dress rather than a tight sheath dress.

In humans, however, fat deposits accumulate mainly in abdominal level. A concrete problem, especially for those who hope to arrive on the beaches with an enviable turtle.

If we talk about cellulite Instead, it is a real pathology that, unlike localized adiposity, mainly affects the female sex: an inflammation of the adipose tissue cells and local microcirculation, which leads to an increase in hyaluronic acid and therefore to a greater recall of water. The causes: often genetic and hereditary, sometimes hormonal, in some cases linked to incorrect habits, such as smoking and a sedentary lifestyle, which sclerotic tissues.

As much or as little as it is, cellulite is one of the most hated and fought imperfections by women, feared precisely because of its “democratic” approach. Cellulite, Indeed, It can also appear in thin and young people, without any exceptions, appearing after puberty and worsening with advancing years.

A phenomenon that is mainly localized on the buttocks and thighs and that tends to present with the typical "orange peel" appearance. With time, then, it can also come to form deeper irregularities, causing real "holes" on the skin, painful to the touch. A nightmare, especially in view of the summer.

coscia con moderata cellulite

Localized adiposity or cellulite? A complete identikit in three steps!

Now that we have defined localized adiposity and cellulite, let's learn to recognize them, always paying attention to three factors: appearance, location And compression.

In the case of fat deposits It is good to remember that cells, even if full of lipids, are vital and reactive to stimuli.
Here in detail What localized adiposity looks like.

  • Appearance: Skin appears smooth and toned at normal temperature. There is neither an increase in heat nor a cooling of the part.

  • Location: It is generally located in the area of the hips, belly, knees, but also on the thighs, back and arms. A widespread distribution that affects the entire body.

  • Compression: to the touch, by compressing the area, the skin does not have the classic orange peel feeling and no sensation of pain is felt.

  • In the case of cellulite, however, we are talking about a real inflammatory state of the cells that leads to a reduction of oxygen in the tissues and the consequent accumulation of water and waste. Thus was born the water retention which, over time, generates inflamed bearings and stiffens the subcutaneous areas.

Here's how you recognize yourself.

  • Appearance: The inflamed tissue appears dull in color, the skin is colder than normal and loses elasticity. Visible capillaries increase and the classic “orange peel” appears.

  • Location: Typical areas where cellulite forms are the thighs, buttocks and inside of the knee. The points most feared by women and also the most exposed during the summer!

  • Compression: Compressing the area affected by cellulite causes pain, which can vary in intensity depending on the stage of inflammation. Furthermore, by rolling the skin between the fingers, you will notice the presence of nodules of different sizes.

coscia con cellulite evidente

Controlled nutrition and good habits: localized adiposity and cellulite are numbered

Well-being always starts from within: at the base of a healthy body, free from fat, water retention and consequent cellulite, a correct and balanced diet cannot be missing.

Fruits and vegetables are the best companions to declare war on blemishes, because they are rich in mineral salts and vitamins. In view of the summer, bring diuretic foods to the table, such as asparagus and cucumbers, indicated to eliminate toxins from the body. Furthermore, rely on bean sprouts against localized adiposity: rich in vitamins and low in calories, they help the proper functioning of the liver and promote blood circulation. To lighten the fabrics, then, say goodbye to excess salt and sugar: the first increases water retention – and aggravates cellulite – the second overloads the liver which immediately transforms it into fat. But not only! Water, preferably alkaline, is your number one ally. of our body to combat water retention, promote drainage and eliminate waste from the body.

The table was cleared, take care of your lifestyle: ban bad habits like smoke – nicotine damages cells and produces free radicals – Don't overdo it with super alcoholic drinks – alcohol strains the liver and compromises microcirculation – and, finally, keep stress away.

alimentazione che contrasta la cellulite

Ours are coming!

If against localized adiposity and cellulite you were afraid of having to do everything by yourself, don't worry: professional designer cosmetics FGM04 is always by your side.

In case of localized fat, try the brand new Hot Mud: a truly beneficial mix of active ingredients for combat the unsightly appearance of fat deposits and for reactivate microcirculationstrengthening the capillaries, thanks to the blueberry extract. Immediately silky and much more toned skin. Touch-proof!

In addition to blueberry extract, the Hot Mud of FGM04 contains:
Ginkgo biloba extract which, like the blueberry, reactivates circulation;
guarana and zedoary extract, with lipolytic, firming and purifying action;
Green tea extract, stimulating and draining;
capsicum, reactivating and stimulating.

As Fat KO, specifically designed forcombat the blemishes caused by fat accumulationsubcutaneous. Combined with a healthy diet, Fat KO reactivates cell metabolism, accelerates the elimination of stubborn fat and defines the skin of the abdomen and hips, making it more toned.
Fat KO It is an innovative and effective product, rich in active ingredients including:

  • arginine, with hydrating and elasticizing properties;

  • creatine, capsicum resinate oil and theobromine, fat metabolism stimulants;

  • taurine and valine, with antioxidant action;

  • caffeine which promotes the melting of fats;

  • visnadine and phosphatidylcholine, which activate the lipolysis process;

  • horse chestnut extract, which improves circulation and protects weakened blood vessels;

  • ivy, to tone;

  • cr oilrice dumpling which has an emollient and nourishing action.

If the problem, however, is cellulite, valid help comes from CellKO. A cosmetic gel specially designed by FGM04 to reactivate circulation and reduce the blemishes caused by water retention, especially located on the thighs and buttocks.

A product designed for the female universe, consisting of:

  • caffeine, stimulant and draining;

  • vanillyl butyl ether to stimulate circulation;

  • escin, hesperidin and diosmin, a winning trio against cellulite and fragility capillary.

Ideal on the thighs, buttocks and hips, gives a silky skin, visibly toned and… scented!

donna che spalma crema suuna coscia

Healthy diet, balanced life and some help from cosmetics: here is the recipe for a healthy body that is always at the top, free from localized adiposity and cellulite!