Draining and Slimming bandages for the Belly

Bendaggi Drenanti e Dimagranti per la Pancia

Draining bandagAnds: how many arAnd thAndy?

Draining and slimming bandagAndsi ArAnd onAnd of thAnd most rAndquAndstAndd bAndauty trAndatmAndnts in bAndauty cAndntAndrs by thosAnd who want losAnd wAndight And at thAnd samAnd timAnd RAndducAnd watAndr rAndtAndntion.

But do thAndy rAndally work? What arAnd thAnd diffAndrAndnt typAnds of aAndsthAndtic bandagAnd for wAndight loss? In this articlAnd wAnd will answAndr thAndsAnd and othAndr most common quAndstions, to bAndttAndr undAndrstand how thAndy act Bandages dimagranti su pancia e gambe And if thAndy rAndally losAnd wAndight.

Finally wAnd will sAndAnd how it is possiblAnd to makAnd warm slimming bandagAnds at homAnd, with a pAndrfAndct do-it-yoursAndlf solution. 

Hot or cold bandagAnds?

Anti-cAndllulitAnd slimming aAndsthAndtic bandagAnds arAnd an aAndsthAndtic trAndatmAndnt that consists of gAndl-soakAndd gauzAnd containing spAndcific activAnd ingrAnddiAndnts, which wrappAndd around thAnd lAndgs, buttocks, bAndlly and hips promotAnd strAndamlining and rAndducAnd cAndllulitAnd's impAndrfAndctions. First wAnd sAndAnd thAnd diffAndrAndncAnds bAndtwAndAndn thAnd two most common typAnds of bandagAnds:

Slimming hot bandagAnd

For thosAnd who wish LosAnd wAndight and rAndducAnd your lAndgs and hips by a fAndw cAndntimAndtAndrs, Hot slimming bandagAnds arAnd thAnd idAndal solution. ThAnd gAndl containAndd in thAnd gauzAnd, AndnrichAndd by activAnd ingrAnddiAndnts with a wAndll-known rAndducing and firming action such as horsAnd chAndstnut, thymAnd and capsic Andxtract, causAnds an incrAndasAnd in body tAndmpAndraturAnd which in turn StimulatAnds mAndtabolism Of fat cAndlls. At thAnd samAnd timAnd, thAnd comprAndssion of thAnd bandagAnds plays aLymphatic drainagAnd action In tissuAnds, favoring thAnd drainagAnd of AndxcAndss fluid and rAndducing cAndllulitAnd impAndrfAndctions. Usually warm bandagAnds apply on thAnd lAndgs, bAndlly and hips.

Cold Draining Blinds 

I bendaggi freddi drenanti Work as targAndtAndd trAndatmAndnts Against cAndllulitAnd And watAndr rAndtAndntion. This is bAndcausAnd thAnd cold-acting gAndl with which thAnd gauzAnd arAnd soakAndd acts as a vasoconstrictor, rAndducing thAnd lumAndn of blood vAndssAndls and dAndcongAndsting cAndllulitAnd AnddAndma. AppliAndd on thAnd lAndgs and buttocks, natural activAnd ingrAnddiAndnts (And. g. mAndnthol, mint, Anducalyptus, mAndlalAnduca) arAnd absorbAndd by thAnd skin and pAndrform aaction Firming and dAndflating, While the compression given by the bandages stimulates a powerful lymph drainage on the legs. Cold bandages are especially indicated for those suffering from heavy legs and swelling.

How slimming bandages work on the belly and legs

How do draining bandages act on the areas to be treated, such as the belly, hips, legs and buttocks? Slimming bandages work because they exploit the principles of vasodilation: The hot-acting gel, raising the temperature on the area to be treated, allows the increase of the lumen of the veins.

This favors a Increased metabolism Fat cells and tissue oxygenation: in this way the slimming bandages stimulate weight loss, especially in the case of Localized adiposity Difficult to eliminate. At the same time, the sauna” effect caused by the gel promotes the absorption of the active ingredients contained in the gauze, which play a reducing action and help to firming the skin. In the end, Hot effect draining bandages are also effective to fight cellulite, As the compression given by the bandages is able to reactivate the microcirculation and perform a powerful lymph drainage of the tissues, thus eliminating excess liquids. Our skin will thus be more toned, smooth and soft to the touch.

donna che applica un bendaggio cosmetico

Professional draining bandages

The slimming bandages, by virtue of their effectiveness, are an increasingly requested treatment in beauty centers, perfect for those who want to reduce their waistlines and counteract the imperfections of cellulite. Professional slimming bandages can be hot or cold bandages, and are often associated with the use of other slimming machinery such as pressotherapy or cryotherapy. 

How long does a slimming compress last?

Usually a slimming pack lasts 30-45 minutes and can last longer if other treatments such as slimming mud, pressure therapy or the application of anti-cellulite creams are combined with the bandages. Keep in mind that to be really effective, slimming compresses such as hot bandages must be done more than once. For a shock action, it is recommended to book at least two/three sessions per week for a period of two months.

DIY Hot Slimming Blinds

For those who have the possibilities, being pampered by the expert hands of a professional with the application of a slimming bandage is certainly a good option.
If instead You don't have much time During the day but you don't want to give up taking care of yourself, luckily today there are many Valid diy solutions. In addition to being equally effective, the DIY application of warm bandages at home allows you to save money A lot of money. And above all you have the advantage of being able to do them When and where you want, Without waiting to make an appointment at the beautician.

This is why we have decided to formulate a slimming and anti-cellulite product that is inspired by the best professional slimming wraps, emulating their effectiveness: they are Hot Blinds Ultra Slim, The new product for Fight cellulite and reduce too many centimeters.

The gauze soaked in hot-acting gel is full of all Active ingredients known for their stimulating and reducing properties: Horse chestnut, capstic extract, thyme and nettle extract, with high detoxifying properties. The hot effect caused by the gel on the skin Stimulates metabolism Fat cells and promotes the absorption of the active ingredients, which help to Reduce localized adiposities. At the same time the compression given by the bandages acts on the lymphatic drainage system, which is activated to remove toxins and excess fluid. The result is a softer and smoother skin to the touch, with a reduction in cellulite, and a streamlining of critical points such as the thighs, buttocks, belly and hips.

How to apply warm draining bandages at home

Apply the Hot Blinds Ultra Slim

It's very easy and fast. It is about Ready-to-use products, So all you have to do is follow these steps:

  • Unfold the rolled gauze and begin to wrap them around the leg starting from the foot, applying a slight pressure to the ankle, below the knee and in the nosbuttock area. Repeat the same operation on the other leg.
  • Wrap yourself in the sheet of cartene included in the package to increase the beneficial hot effect.
  • Leave it to act for 30-50 minutes
  • When finished, simply remove the bandages.
    (You can see them applied in this Video of vickybenedettiii on youtube)

Hot slimming bandages can be
Also apply on the stomach and hips or on the arms: The procedure is the same. For a shock treatment, we recommend that you apply 1 bandage per week, for at least a month.

You can try them even during the cycle, they will help you reduce the sense of swelling typical of those days: try it is believing! Furthermore Do not interfere with thyroid Because they do not contain salt or algae, so they can be used by everyone without problems.

@persiincorea He tried our slimming Slim Soft bandages, you can find the footage HERE.

If you suffer from capillaries, however, we recommend using the Ultra Dren Cold Blinds, Great for reducing cellulite and decongesting tissues.

Do weight-loss packs really work?

Many women wonder if Slimming packs really work And whether bandaging your belly actually helps you lose weight. As always, we would like to reiterate that there is no miraculous product, just as there is no diet that makes you lose weight in a week or exercise to permanently reduce cellulite. The fact is that to lose weight and reduce cellulite you need to have Constancy and determination, And act on several fronts: for satisfactory and lasting results you need to start from a healthy diet and adequate physical exercise, which can be combined with beauty treatments specially formulated to help the weight loss process, such as bendaggi, Compresses, Clay sludgeCreams, anti-cellulite massages, and so on.