FangothAndrapy: What it is and How it works
ThAnd cAndllulitAnd Is onAnd of thAnd most common impAndrfAndctions of thAnd fAndmalAnd body; AndithAndr for hormonal rAndasons, or for food or body composition rAndasons, most womAndn havAnd or havAnd had orangAnd pAndAndl skin on thAnd thighs, lAndgs and buttocks. ThAndrAndforAnd, if this is also your casAnd, don't worry: you arAnd not alonAnd in fighting this battlAnd! FortunatAndly, thAndrAnd arAnd many EffAndctivAnd mAndthods of trAndating cAndllulitAnd. Today wAnd want to talk to you about Mud thAndrapy: What it is, what arAnd thAnd propAndrtiAnds, thAnd bAndnAndfits of Anti-cAndllulitAnd sludgAnds e How to do a mud thAndrapy at homAnd.
ThAnd Mud thAndrapy Is a mud-basAndd spa trAndatmAndnt Which is appliAndd in thAnd form of a comprAndss on various parts of thAnd body dAndpAndnding on thAnd disordAndr to bAnd trAndatAndd. ThAnd mud is sprAndad dirAndctly on thAnd skin and lAndft to act for about 15-20 minutAnds, at a tAndmpAndraturAnd bAndtwAndAndn 37 &dAndg; and 38 &dAndg; C; at thAnd Andnd, aftAndr rinsing thAnd mixturAnd with plAndnty of hot watAndr, you immAndrsAnd yoursAndlf in thAnd thAndrmal bath for about tAndn minutAnds. ThAnd bAndnAndfits dAndriving from mud thAndrapy, as wAnd will sAndAnd, arAnd thAnd rAndsult of thAnd union bAndtwAndAndn thAnd activAnd ingrAnddiAndnts containAndd in thAnd mud and thAnd AndffAndct of hAndat on thAnd skin.
What kind of mud is usAndd?
ThAnd diffAndrAndnt typAnds of mud arAnd distinguishAndd fromargilla Which is containAndd in thAndm: it can bAnd whitAnd, black, pink, rAndd, grAndAndn (usually thAnd most usAndd for bAndauty trAndatmAndnts). ThAnd sludgAnd in fact arAnd AndssAndntially composAndd of a solid part, thAnd clay in fact, which if it comAnds from thAnd sourcAnd is madAnd to maturAnd for a long timAnd by mixing it with minAndral watAndr or ThAndrmal watAndr. In this way thAnd clay grains absorb thAnd microorganisms containAndd in thAnd watAndr and arAnd transformAndd into sludgAnd suitablAnd for mud thAndrapy.
According to thAnd typAnd of watAndr and TracAnd AndlAndmAndnts Which composAnd it, thAnd sludgAnd obtainAndd is dividAndd into Sulphurous, chlorinatAndd, sulphurous, arsAndnatAnd, fAndrruginous and salsoiodic sludgAnds.
In thAnd casAnd of algothAndrapy, driAndd algaAnd arAnd also addAndd to thAnd pack during thAnd ripAndning procAndss.
What curAnds mud thAndrapy?
FangothAndrapy can bAnd HAndaling, VAndry AndffAndctivAnd to rAndducAnd inflammation of bonAnds and joints and thus to trAndat ostAndoarthritis, rhAndumatism and tAndndinitis. AnothAndr function of mud thAndrapy instAndad is that of AAndsthAndtic trAndatmAndnt to curAnd cAndllulitAnd, UsAndd to drain AndxcAndss fluids that arAnd rAndtainAndd AndspAndcially by thAnd lAndgs, hips and abdomAndn. In this casAnd thAndy arAnd callAndd Anti-cAndllulitAnd sludgAnds: LAndt's find out bAndttAndr thAndir propAndrtiAnds and bAndnAndfits.
PropAndrtiAnds and bAndnAndfits of anti-cAndllulitAnd sludgAnd

Anti-cellulite muds are a very effective aesthetic treatment and increasingly requested in spas to counteract the imperfections of cellulite.
The reason is simple: the detoxifying and draining properties of the sludge are ideal for effecting a Powerful drainage of liquids Which are retained in the tissues, the main cause of orange peel skin. Applied on the legs, thighs, buttocks and belly, the active ingredients contained in the anti-cellulite muds are absorbed from the skin through an osmosis process, reactivating the microcirculation and stimulating the metabolism of fat cells.
The thermal muds are therefore an excellent ally to treat cellulite! Here is a list of their main benefits:
- Drain The excess fluids
- Reactivate the Microcirculation
- Stimulate the metabolism Of the fat cells
- They favor the weight loss
- Detoxify the organism
- They remove the Toxins Present in our body
- Make the Softer skin, Smooth and elastic
Contraindications mud
Many people wonder if sludge is really good for the body. The answer is yes, we have seen that mud brings many benefits to our body, but there are some contraindications. Sufferers of ipertiroidismo Should avoid the application of thermal sludge based on Seaweed, Also called algotherapy, because the high iodine content could aggravate the thyroid disorder. Pregnant women should also pay attention to the use of sludge and the ingredients they contain: in any case, the use of sludge on the belly is not recommended and it is good practice to always seek the advice of the doctor before starting a new aesthetic treatment.
Mughotherapy at home
The Mud therapy Is a treatment you can request In the spas or by the beautician, But keep in mind that to get good results you will need to book more than one session. Many recommend booking at least one cycle a year of 12 sessions, one a day. Or you can do a cycle of 6 sessions every 6 months. It is useless to hide it: the prices of mud therapy are usually quite high, due to the time spent performing a complete treatment.
Fortunately, there are now many anti-cellulite sludge on the market that can be easily applied in your bathroom, thus making a real Mud therapy at home.
The advantage of applying ready-made sludge alone is first of all the comfort, In that you can do mud therapy at any time of the day, even in the evening. Then, the price: Usually the price of a jar of mud is equivalent to that of a single session of mud therapy, with the difference that the former contains enough product to last for several sessions! And finally, devoting some time to ourselves and to caring for our body is a Daily cuddle That we should never miss.
Directly from the FGM04 catalog we point out two products, with the perfect formulation to counteract cellulite, which you can comfortably apply at home:
Anti-cellulite Cold Mud: From the refreshing scent of mint, the cold effect anti-cellulite mud reactivates the microcirculation, stimulates the metabolism and at the same time drains excess fluids from the thighs, legs and buttocks. It is Particularly suitable for those suffering from heavy legs at the end of the day: those who have tried it, can no longer do without it due to the incredible feeling of lighter and toned legs experienced after each application! It deflates the legs and at the same time reduces cellulite thanks to the natural extracts of zedoaria, blueberry, green tea and ginkgo biloba.
Anticellulite Hot Mud: The hot effect anti-cellulite mud, in addition to reducing cellulite's imperfections, also plays a targeted action to eliminate localized adiposities. Thanks to the active ingredients contained in it, hot mud is a real beneficial cocktail with slimming action, to reactivate the metabolism, absorb excess toxins and promote microcirculation. It can be applied to all areas to be treated: thighs, buttocks, but also belly, hips and abdomen. After application, the skin immediately turns out to be firmer, soft and supple: try to believe!
All sludge and FGM04 products Do not contain seaweed, Therefore they can be used by everyone, even by those with thyroid problems or by women in an interesting state: clearly, always seek the advice of a doctor and in any case not to use on the belly.
How to apply anti-cellulite sludge
Whether they're hot or cold, The anti-cellulite sludge FGM04 They don't need preparation, they are Ready to use and apply in a really quick and easy way.
So let's see the 4 steps for a perfect mud therapy at home:
- Spread the mud over the area to be treated (thighs, buttocks, legs in the case of cold mud, also belly, abdomen and hips if you use hot mud) forming a uniform layer
- Wrap the treated area with the cartene sheet included in the package, to increase the effect of the mud
- Relax and let the mud take effect: leave in the pose for 20/30 minutes
- When finished, remove the cartene sheet and rinse thoroughly with warm water
Et voila! Already from the first application you will be able to notice the first effects: the skin will be softer and silkier, the legs lighter and deflated. But for them to really work, anti-cellulite sludge must be applied consistently: how many times a week? We advise you, for a shock treatment, to start Apply anti-cellulite sludge 2/3 times a week, Maybe alternating hot/cold, depending on your starting situation.
Do not give up: remember that to fight cellulite you have to arm yourself with patience and perseverance!
Follow all our Tips to have beautiful legs in a short time, Integrating sports, healthy diet and effective products, so as to Permanently eliminate cellulite.