Anticellulite Cibi to Avoid and Water Retention: What to know?

Cibi Anticellulite da Evitare e Ritenzione Idrica: Cosa sapere?

Cellulite hides a thousand causes, including bad eating habits. While it is true that “we are what we eat,” this is inevitably reflected in the appearance of our skin that can show signs of this blemish from a young age. But what are the foods that help us reduce or eliminate cellulite? What are the foods that instead favor its appearance? Continue reading this article to discover all the secrets about nutrition and cellulite.

Top 10 Anti-Cellulite Foods

ragazza che scherza con verdura in cucina

Cellulite appears where there are defects in lymphatic and blood circulation, such as on the legs, buttocks, but also on the arms and stomach. In the initial stages of cellulite we will notice swelling, water retention and the typical orange peel skin busts that will be evident only by compressing the affected part. Later, as the cellulite is aggravated, crossing well 4 stages, it will be more and more visible, regardless if we will press the affected part or if we will change position. But let's not despair: the process is not so rapid and only the last stage, the most serious, is irreversible. Diet in the fight against cellulite is of paramount importance: the right supply of nutrients will allow to eliminate slags and toxins, protect blood vessels and allow to burn more fat, operating from the inside a detox, toning and slimming effect. Let's start by drawing up the ranking of the 10 Best Anti-Cellulite Foods:

  • 1. Oranges, lemons and grapefruits: Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, a nutrient with a known antioxidant, anti-aging action, which also has the property of increasing collagen production. Collagen is essential to create the connective tissue of the skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels and therefore in fighting the imperfections of cellulite related to a greater permeability of blood vessels. Lemon is perhaps the simplest and oldest, but also most effective, remedy to purify our body, accelerate fat metabolism and fight water retention: let's try to drink hot water and lemon every morning on an empty stomach to obtain the maximum benefits;
  • 2. Peppers: Perhaps not everyone knows this, but peppers contain 155 mg of vitamin C if eaten raw (116 mg if cooked), which is almost three times as much as oranges. Very low in calories (31 per 100 g), but rich in mineral salts and vitamins, peppers should therefore not be missing from our diet against cellulite;
  • 3. Salmon, tuna & co: Oily fish is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids. These “good” fats are important for improving the fluidity and stability of cell membranes and therefore exchanges to and from the outside of the cell. They also counteract the low-grade inflammation that localizes on the areas affected by cellulite. We take 2-3 portions a week of salmon, tuna, cod, herring, etc. preferring simple cooking methods such as baking or steaming;
  • 4. Flax seeds: Flax seeds are among the best plant sources of Omega 3. They also contain lignans, phytoestrogens that have the property of balancing the hormonal balance and therefore help fight cellulite. It is certain that female hormones, estrogen, play a decisive role in the appearance of cellulite (which is why men with cellulite are a rare “species”). Add flax seeds to yogurt, smoothies, soups and salads;
  • 5. Matcha tea: Matcha tea is a variety of green tea that contains antioxidant substances, catechins, up to 137 times more than normal green tea. Like all types of tea, matcha tea also contains theine which, similarly to another xanthine, caffeine, has diuretic and fat-burning properties;
  • 6. Chili: The active ingredient in chili pepper is capsaicin, a natural chemical compound capable of contributing to the reduction of cellulite through two actions: it accelerates the metabolism by promoting the use of fats and turns off intestinal inflammation, contributing to better assimilation of nutrients. Used in place of salt, chili pepper, like other spices, can help us not to overdo our sodium consumption, ultimately contributing to the reduction of water retention;
  • 7. Broccoli: This wonderful vegetable is rich in vitamin C, but also in sulforaphane which increases the metabolism of indole-3-carbinol which in turn promotes the elimination of estrogen by-products through the urine. As already mentioned the balance of female hormones is important for the fight against cellulite. The sulforaphane of broccoli is largely destroyed by cooking, so to get the most benefits from these vegetables we should consume them raw in salads or steamed. In case of thyroid disorders, it is not recommended to consume raw vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage & co;
  • 8. Dark green leafy vegetables: dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chicory, chard, etc. Besides being rich in the very useful vitamin C, they are an important source of magnesium. Magnesium helps to keep the skin young and healthy, supports the health of the gastro-intestinal tract, ensuring the perfect functioning of the fat metabolism. Satisfying fiber and a low calorie content make dark green leafy vegetables the ideal food if, in addition to eliminating cellulite, we want to lose a few extra pounds;
  • 9. Avocado: Avocado is a fruit with very unique characteristics. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fibre and vitamin E, it is a true elixir of beauty and well-being that helps us eliminate toxins and balance glucose levels, thus preventing nervous hunger attacks;
  • 10. Asparagus: sources of fiber, folic acid, vitamins A, C, E and group B, asparagus helps us fight the unsightly appearance of cellulite thanks to their diuretic, detoxifying and antioxidant properties.

To complete our anti-cellulite diet, we also take: 1.5 l of water per day; whole grains, perhaps in combination with legumes, to obtain a complete amino acid picture; extra virgin olive oil as a raw condiment; little lean meat, chicken or eggs; a high consumption of fruit and vegetables (5 servings per day); a handful of dried fruits (30g per day).

insalata di salmone e avocado

Diet, nutrition and cellulite: foods to avoid

Then there are foods that promote the appearance of cellulite, as a consequence of the accumulation of toxins in the tissues, water retention, inflammation, poor circulation and digestion. Everything that burdens our body is in fact the enemy of our beauty, but even before our health. Foods to avoid in the fight against cellulite are the following:

  • Sweets and sugars: Sweets are usually too rich in fat and sugar, so it would be better to avoid them or allow them no more than once a week. Let's avoid excess sugars, even those hidden in unsuspecting products (always check the labels) responsible for water retention and fat accumulation especially at the abdominal level;
  • Cured meats, processed meats: although it cannot be generalized (canned meat and some “light” cold cuts are very low in calories), cold cuts and processed meats are commonly very fatty and too rich in sodium, responsible for water retention, the antechamber of cellulite;
  • Cheeses: the same reasons for cured meats and processed meats apply to cheeses. Let's allow ourselves no more than 30g per day, choosing from the leaner ones such as cottage cheese or cottage cheese. Low-fat yogurt without added sugar is a very healthy and useful choice for fighting nervous hunger and cellulite;
  • Ultra-processed foods or junk food: These products no longer possess any of the nutritional characteristics of the original materials and to make them more palatable they are added with various flavourings and additives. It is not for nothing that they are called junk food, or junk food, full of empty calories that bring nothing healthy to our body, but only saturated and trans fats, sugars and sodium. But how do we recognize them? Simple: we are wary of pre-packaged products with overly long and complicated lists of ingredients that list sugar as the main ingredient at the top or more or less mysterious acronyms;
  • Fried and fast food: Here too, we cannot tar everyone with the same brush. A fried "healthy" homemade with ingredients that we know well (like the famous "grandmother's meatballs") are a small sin of gluttony to grant us (otherwise the grandmother is offended!), But not more than once a week. Fast food (to be considered as junk food) such as fries, ultra-stuffed burgers, chicken nuggets, etc. it should be absolutely banned if we really want to put cellulite and rolls of fat in the corner;
  • Prepackaged carbonated drinks and fruit juices: while a homemade fruit juice or smoothie is an excellent way to stock up on vitamins and minerals, the same cannot be said for similar pre-packaged products. Also in this case they are nothing more than a distant memory of the ingredients that make them up and often contain too many sugars or unhealthy artificial sweeteners. Carbonated drinks are the emblem of empty calories: a useless mix of colorants, sugars, sweeteners that add nothing to our diet, but rather risk damaging our health;
  • Excess sodium: As has been repeatedly stated, excess sodium, like excess sugar, promotes water retention and the stagnation of waste and toxins in the tissues which promote inflammation and compromise blood and lymphatic circulation, thus contributing to the formation of cellulite. In addition to carefully measuring the table salt we add to our dishes, perhaps replacing it with herbs and spices, we should carefully check the labels of foods, always choosing those with a low sodium content.
cibo spazzatura su tavolo di legno

Eliminate cellulite with diet

Despite some sacrifices, a healthy diet is undoubtedly the best weapon to eliminate cellulite and stay healthy. To complete our anti-cellulite program, it is good to combine the diet with at least 30 minutes a day of physical activity: even a quick walk in the open air can prove to be a real cure-all. We sleep at least 7-8 hours a night and avoid smoking, stress, too tight clothes and uncomfortable shoes that compromise circulation. Finally, to definitively say goodbye to cellulite, let's treat ourselves to targeted cosmetic treatments (muds, gels, creams, etc.) based on toning, draining and fat-burning active ingredients as a daily treat.

Image credits:
Girl smiles in the kitchen. Image of senivpetro on Freepik
Salad with salmon. Image of chandlervid85 on Freepik