Gel, mud, leggings. The new frontiers of anti-cellulite treatments

Trattamenti Anticellulite a Casa: scopri leggings e fanghi

Does cellulite bother you? Have you already experienced various remedies, unfortunately without success? Say goodbye forever to creams of dubious effectiveness and discover the new frontiers of anti-cellulite treatments as gel, mud, leggings: continue reading.

What is cellulite: a brief overview

Bitter enemy of millions of women in the world, cellulite is a physiological disorder that manifests itself on an aesthetic level with small depressions on the skin And micro nodules of subcutaneous adipose tissue. In essence, the famous effect of “orange peel skin” that we all know and that mainly affects the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and sometimes arms.

Usually related to problems of water retention, cellulite is distinguished in 3 stages:

  • Edematous Cellulite (First Stage): the first swellings and bumps appear, however the skin still retains its softness and good elasticity. For stage I cellulite it is still possible to intervene with do-it-yourself remedies, with an excellent chance that the blemish will regress or even resolve completely. In short, up to this point you can safely proceed with anti-cellulite treatments at home (read on to find out the best ones);
  • Fibrous Cellulite (Second Stage): This is the phase in which the fat cells swell and give rise to nodules together with the dilation of capillaries. It enters the second stage when the liquid deposits become chronic and become inflamed: the fat can no longer be disposed of, and this leads to a hardening of the tissues and the progressive loss of skin elasticity. Do-it-yourself may no longer be enough: it is best to turn to a beauty center that is expert in anti-cellulite treatments;
  • Sclerotic Cellulite (Third Stage): the nodules grow, the tissues become harder and the depressions become particularly evident. All often accompanied by pain in the touch and stapling. This is the phase considered irreversible, but not all is lost: the advice is to contact a specialist doctor.

In short, cellulite is a inflammatory process that passes through three stages of increasing severity: intervening within and no later than the second stage offers good results in terms of healing and return to normality. The longer you wait, the more the situation risks becoming irreparably compromised.

Cellulite can be recognized in three different types, depending on the evolutionary stage and the characteristics of the subject:

  • Compact (hard) cellulite: the easiest to combat, it is characterised by small, hard nodules adhering to the muscles. It usually concerns subjects in good physical condition and with toned muscles;
  • Flaccid (soft) cellulite: The nodules are mobile and fluctuate during walking. It affects middle-aged women with weak muscles or who experience significant weight fluctuations;
  • Edematous cellulite: It is the most difficult type to treat. The result of circulatory problems and a persistent stagnation of fluids in the tissues, in edematous cellulite the skin becomes increasingly swollen and spongy. This type of cellulite is often painful to the touch and even when walking.

For suggestions on how to approach each of the phases, please refer to advice from Prof. Antonino di Pietro.

donna con cellulite

What causes cellulite

What are the causes of cellulite? The answer to this question helps us understand what actions can be taken to improve the situation or, better yet, prevent it.

There are many causes, or rather the contributing causes, to theorigin of cellulite. Among the most widespread we find:

Causes of cellulite: hormonal factors

Hormonal imbalances can lead to the rapid onset of cellulite. This is evidenced by the fact that the blemish often appears during pregnancy or in women taking the contraceptive pill, both situations connected to significant movements at a hormonal level.


Genetic and congenital factors can also be at the origin of the formation of cellulite. It is in fact very frequent that the problem affects more women than the same family.

Unbalanced diet

A diet rich in fats and condiments and low in fruit and vegetables favors the emergence of the hated "bearings". Some vegetables such as artichokes, fennel, cucumbers, pineapples, melon, watermelons, peaches have a high draining effect and promote the regulation of liquids, reducing the risk of water retention. Added to this is the usefulness of drinking at least 2 liters of water a day: proper hydration facilitates blood circulation and helps keep the skin supple.

Sedentary life

Spending too many hours sitting in the long run leads to tissue compression and a slowdown in circulatory activity, inhibiting normal blood circulation. It is not necessary to practice playing competitive activity: to keep cellulite away as much as possible, half an hour of walking a day at a brisk pace is enough.

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Postural Habits

Taking unsuitable positions such as keeping your legs crossed slows down local circulation.


Stress also plays a significant role in the onset of cellulite. A hectic life is often accompanied by alcohol and smoking abuse, a bad night's rest and bad eating habits. All this together with other factors increases the risk of cellulite.

Malfunction of microcirculation

Microcirculation is a network of vessels responsible for nourishing cells, supplying them with oxygen, and eliminating waste outside the cells themselves. A problematic microcirculation implies a jam of this mechanism and carries with it an inflammation of the tissues with stagnation of toxins and liquids. This is the phenomenon that causes water retention.

But what causes all this? There are several possibilities: being overweight, bad eating habits, alcohol abuse, little physical activity, high cholesterol levels.

Footwear and clothing not suitable

Unsuitable shoes, high heels, excessively tight clothing, and tight underwear play a significant role in the appearance of cellulite. A'excessive compression of the skin and its tissues in fact can hinder the correct lymphatic and blood circulation and give rise to anesthetic pads.

Give up your own sex appeal? Absolutely not! However, we invite you to act with moderation... and to follow the next tips!

How can I permanently get rid of cellulite?

What is the best procedure to get rid of cellulite? Once again we repeat that no one has a magic wand and can promise amazing results. However, there are various measures to intervene decisively both in the preventive phase and within the second stage.

Among the best treatments for cellulite on legs, buttocks and abdomen we highlight the importance of:

  • Targeted physical exercise: Brisk walking, Nordic walking, hydrobike, water aerobics, cycling, exercise bike, skating and kickboxing are considered the best anti-cellulite sports. Consigliatissimi i workout a base di jumping jack, squat e lounges;
  • Healthy diet: It is not known exactly which foods cause cellulite on the legs. The scientific community invites us to avoid fatty foods, rich condiments, abuse of salt, sugar and alcohol and to prefer lean meats, fruit and vegetables, fish, tea and herbal teas. If you have any doubts, contact a nutritionist or a dietitian;
  • Massages and beauty treatments: yes to cellulite shock treatment, connective tissue massages with machines, cellulite suction massage, cold baths, cryotherapy and other ad hoc treatments to shape the legs. Contact your trusted beauty center and evaluate the proposals together.
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For further information read our article “Reduce Cellulite Fast: 4 Effective Solutions”.

Added to all this are New generation anti-cellulite home remedies based on gel, mud and leggings, non-invasive solutions high performance adopted by thousands of women like you. Here are the most common ones.

The revolution of do-it-yourself anti-cellulite treatments: gels, muds, leggings

The market makes available hundreds of more or less promising anti-cellulite creams. An offer so vast that sometimes it makes the decision even more complicated and painful. What does not fail to arrive are disappointing results: compared to hundreds of euros spent, the benefits are usually very minimal.

It is good to know that the sector of home anti-cellulite treatments has made great strides in recent years, moving away from the classic scheme of creams to lead to high performance products as gel, mud and even leggings to wear every day.

This is one of the core businesses of FMG04: to propose a treatment for every blemish need and of time that can be dedicated to the application. Let's see the details.

Gel anticellulite

For those who want practicality, the anti-cellulite gel is certainly the most suitable answer. Our catalogue includes three different gels to fight cellulite, true allies in attenuating the orange peel effect and reducing water retention:

  • CellKO: This product promotes The Drains excess fluids and makes capillaries stronger, leading to a rapid reduction in cellulite. Created with an innovative formula of active ingredients, CellKO acts in depth by working directly on the factors that trigger cellulite without interfering with the thyroid. It is absorbed quickly without anointing, and is therefore one of the preferred solutions for women who are always in a hurry between home, work and children. Apply twice daily on legs and buttocks until completely absorbed;
  • Visna Forte: in a practical 200 ml format, Visna Forte is ideal for all those women who wish to combat the unsightly appearance of cellulite and at the same time reduce localized fat. From toning, antioxidant and anti-aging action, this gel stimulates metabolism and improves blood supply. Apply twice daily on legs and buttocks until completely absorbed;
  • Lipo Step: extremely valid product rich in proteins and active ingredients that improve the firmness of the skin and deeply hydrate it. Anti-inflammatory and astringent effect ensured thanks to the presence of blueberry, while soy milk proteins nourish and moisturize.

Discover the complete list of gels and creams for fat.

Oil with cup and anti-cellulite sludge

Another particularly recommended anti-cellulite method is that of hot mud And cold mud. A professional remedy to be carried out in the comfort of your home.

The first ones have a strong slimming action and the second ones are based on active ingredients that drain and promote the expulsion of toxins, both types They fight cellulite blemishes without interfering with the thyroid. For correct application, leave on for approximately 20 - 30 minutes.

The kit too Active Cell Oil reduces the orange peel effect by acting deeply on cellulite, with powerful tissue drainage for immediately more toned skin. The operation is the typical one of the cup, a very ancient method used today by many professional athletes: the cupping creates a “suction effect” that acts on the surface stimulating lymphatic and blood circulation.

Just a few gestures and 10 minutes of application repeated 3 times a week are enough to have results visible to the eye. All in a totally natural way and without side effects. The cupping method is however not recommended in the case of weak capillaries or in the presence of particular dermatological pathologies.

All FGM04 anti-cellulite products are 100% Made in Italy.

Anti-cellulite leggings

We conclude our overview with a truly revolutionary anti-cellulite remedy, which does not require no effort on your part. Let's talk about the anti-cellulite leggings, practical, fashionable garments that, simply by wearing them, guarantee valid support in your daily fight against cellulite.

Our anti-cellulite leggings are made with a clinically tested fabric which helps to constantly reactivate the microcirculation in maximum comfort, allowing you to carry out your daily activities just as you always have.

Unmissable 4 remedies in 1 - reduce cellulite, deflate, drain, tone - the FMG04 anti-cellulite leggings collection includes various types of models, from push up gym fashion to the shape-up flat stomach, and heads of different lengths (ankle, capri, shirt) thus adapting to all daily uses, both sporting and comfort.

donna con leggings anticellulite eldorado di fgm04

The most famous Benefits of Anti-Cellulite Leggings I am:

  • Great versatilityto: they are indicated for the reduction of cellulite blemishes, for those with tired and swollen legs, for those who spend a lot of time standing or sitting or for those with microcirculation problems;
  • A garment for all needs: yoga, gym, running or simply home comfort… our leggings are suitable for all your purposes;
  • Clinically and dermatologically tested, are made with fabrics that absorb body heat, converting it into infrared rays capable of reactivating microcirculation;
  • A single product for many benefits: rapid muscle recovery, more harmonious silhouette, flat stomach, slim legs, reduction of water retention, boosted metabolism, fat disposal and much more.

Now that we have given you an overview of all the anti-cellulite remedies, all you have to do is choose the one that best suits your needs.

For any doubts we are at your disposal: