What is it and how to fight cellulite.

As promised in the previous article, let's again address the treble topic of cellulite.
After a brief summary we will see how to fight cellulite in an active way, toning our skin to eliminate the unsightly orange peel skin” that tends to form.

Liposclerosis, edemato-fibro-sclerotic panniculopathy and ginoid lipodystrophy are not esoteric names but other ways of defining cellulite. Many women commonly know it as quilt skin” or orange peel”, in fact.

If we have to face an enemy it is appropriate to know him.
Cellulite is a skin implant that transforms the surface of the skin with unsightly dimples
(Hence the name orange peel skin” or quilt”).
Fat cells expand, increase in volume, depositing free fats on sensitive areas
Such as hips, thighs and buttocks.

Who affects cellulite?

Women are affected with a much higher incidence than men.
The hidden reason lies in estrogen, the female sex hormones.

The adipose panniculus is a subcutaneous layer: inside it we find fat or lipid cells (precious as an energy reserve for the caloric budget).

  • If the calorie balance decreases (you do more physical activity or take in fewer calories by feeding) the fat reserve drops (lipolysis) and you are happy.

  • If the calorie balance increases (do less physical activity by fraternizing with the sofa or take in too many calories during the various meals) the fat reserve increases and the fat is deposited (liposynthesis). We accumulate more fat than we can burn, making provisions for the winter.

What is cellulite aggravated by?

To understand how to fight cellulite we need to correct some bad habits.
Let's see the first five bad habits together.

  1. Skinted clothing and high heels: As sexy as the clothes that are too tight and the high heels cause a poor circulation, compressing the blood vessels. If you want to fight cellulite better to limit this dress code For indispensable occasions, preferring comfortable clothes and flat shoes: your body will thank us.

  2. Hydration: Drinking water is very important, at least 2 liters per day. But the water has several properties, including the fixed residue. The ideal is that with a fixed residue between 100 and 200 mg/l (just read the bottle label). To mention well-known brands we recommend the Panna Water, Vera and Eurospin Blues (180 mg).

  3. Wrong power supply: Food too caloric (however delicious and inviting), fat in abundance and salt, ubiquitous in our nutrition. These are all factors that encourage the accumulation of local fat, increasing fluid retention. To fight cellulite we will have to use spices to reduce salt and we try, with some exceptions, to limit the number of calories.

  4. Stress: The colleague stress us, the mother-in-law haunts us, the neighbor wants to emulate Jimi Hendrix at three in the morning... Let's relax, emptying our mind. Let's carve out a little corner for us.
    They are small moments of relaxation that allow us to reunite with the world.
    To fight cellulite it is first of all necessary to find our inner serenity.

  5. Irregular intestinal function: The diet of carbohydrate, melon, celery in magazines every day they invent a new diet to follow slavishly. Remember that it is wrong to focus your diet on very few foods, unbalancing it. It can impair your intestinal regularity. Moderation and balance, in this case, are a winning pairing to follow.

What can we correct again?

donna con cellulite solle cosce

Here are four more habits to improve.

  1. Immobility: Standiste, image girls, shop assistants however beautiful they are all suffer from the same problem: stay up for too long. This leads to circulatory problems, as the blood struggles to rise from the ends of the body, generating circulatory stasis. Sit down every now and then!

  2. Wrong posture and crossed legs: Compulsively accavaling your legs will not turn you into Sharon Stone but will cause compression of your blood vessels. Leaving your legs relaxed, stretched out every now and then, helps well-being and circulation.

  3. Liver disease: Let's try not to burden the liver with alcohol or too rich foods such as pasta with four cheeses. If the liver gets sick the disease will trigger the release of the fat, damaging the tissues.

  4. Lightning diets and little movement: Absurd diets that promise miraculous weight losses in 10 days, the miracles promised by so many magazines chased by millions of women
    We must be realistic: a drastic weight loss, in addition to being dangerous, causes muscle tissue to collapse.
    Fighting cellulite by moving little by preferring the sofa, plaid and hot chocolate is ineffective.
    This lethal mix hinders circulation, making metabolism and musculature inefficient.
    We constantly hoard fats risking the above-described circulatory stasis.
    So after an afternoon of relaxing with your favorite sit-com, arm yourself with a pumpkin and scarf, take your four-legged friend/a friend and take a nice walk. Take some pictures, find a hobby that can push you out of the home (even jogging is a great idea).

How to fight cellulite: drastic solutions?

Among the (more or less invasive) drastic methods of last time we mentioned pressotherapy, mesotherapy and liposuction, the most radical of all. Browsing the Net I met a new procedure, which I had not mentioned in the previous article:Lipocavitation.

We introduce speech by distinguishing the two types of cavitation: aesthetic and medical.

The Aesthetic cavitation Is the one practiced by beauticians: it is very superficial, uses high frequency ultrasound and affects only the skin tissue. It does not burn fat but only improves the aesthetic appearance of your skin.

To act on the fat you need equipment for medical use, Available from doctors who carry out this practice. Using a knob similar to the ultrasound one uses low frequency ultrasound, which penetrates the various layers of skin reach the fat, reducing it. It is A complicated physical process: by simplifying the fat cells are "eliminated", and then be disposed of by the body through our natural purifiers (liver and kidneys).

But is it worth it?In addition to being expensive and dangerous on some subjects, the fat reduction effect is minimal when compared to liposuction. The correct diet remains ESSENTIAL to help our body fight cellulite (See tips on what to eat and what to avoid in the previous article).

Medical lipocavitation offers better results on the abdomen and hips, while on the legs and buttocks the results leave something to be desired.This treatment is not 100% effectiveTo fight cellulite, on the contraryCould worsen orange peel skin. Our advice therefore is to contact a trusted doctor and carefully evaluate together if it is indicated in your case.

How to fight cellulite: useful exercises

How to fight cellulite then? I tell you a secret: nutrition must be accompanied by constant moderate physical activity. We do not ask you for impossible things: today I will offer you some exercises to do in the tranquility and quiet of your home. If in your home, as often happens, between children, husbands and pets it is a delirium you can also carry them out in the gym, so you can socialize and be more motivated!

This program prevents excessive stagnation of lactic acid in the legs, blood flows from the ends upwards avoiding accumulations of cellulite. We will train the upper and lower part of our body, keeping everything in harmonious balance.

UP & DOWN Exercises

  • For Heat upThe upper part of the body we rotate the arm alternating for about twenty minutes,
    3 times per arm. We continue our warm-up by going up and down a step for 10 minutes (step), or running on the spot.

  • Let's run somePush-ups, Legs straight and we try to touch the ground with the belly and then go up.
    We start with three repetitions from 8 times, increasing to 15 subsequently.
    Let's take a minute's break and get ready for the next exercise.

  • Squat, A great classic but you need to do them correctly. Arms extended and hands forward with legs
    At right angles, knees within the tip of the shoes with all the weight on the buttock.
    We start with three reps of 12, increasing when we are more trained.

  • Arms. Eseguiamo una serie di alzate posteriori con una bottiglia da 1 litro in mano, per far lavorare i tricipiti. 10 volte per braccio, 3 ripetizioni.

  • Front lunges(3 sets of 10 per leg) alternate: we carry forward one leg then the other, we touch with the knee the mat or the floor. It is necessary to perform a right angle with the leg in tension.

  • Raised side arms: We take 2 one-liter bottles and work on our shoulders, running circles.
    3 repetitions of 10, always a minute of the Forformer.

  • Leg side lifts: Lying on the ground, side lifts per leg (3 reps of 15 for each leg). Let's take a minute off to face the final exercise.

  • Crunch: We perform three sets of abs (crunch) with legs leaning against the wall or chair,
    Hands behind the nape and we push with the abdomen to strengthen the affected area.

  • Finale: We conclude having fun with 10 minutes of jog on the spot.

One more weapon: Women's Visna Forte Gel and Kit Active Cell Oil!

Think of the great athletes or professionals: do you believe that they have achieved these results only with luck or natural dowry? The passion, the determination, the hours spent training and the challenges won have brought them to the most important podiums of life.

Often we start with a lot of enthusiasm, giving up our good intentions after a short time seeing the absence of results or micro benefits that we do not notice. But are you alone in this fight against cellulite? No!

We understood that nutrition, exercise and/or eliminating some bad habits were not enough. A combined action of several factors was needed: only in this way is it possible to fight cellulite.

Some time ago, wondering how to fight cellulite effectively and, after various research, the idea was born Women's Visna Forte Gel.

It is a natural product: it contains Visnadine of plant origin, reinforced with Esperidin and blueberry to reduce capillary fragility, a problem that unfortunately could afflict many of you. We took the best that nature could offer by combining it into a mix suitable to help you in this no-holds-barred fight.

He fights cellulite with three actions:

  • Reduction of bearings associated with water retention

  • Decrease in orange peel appearance

  • Drainage of your tissues to stem the effect of cellulite and recover tonicity.

The gel is absorbed right away (it has a fantastic texture, a lot of my girlfriends use it) and so they can use it at any time of the day. The long waits of the past for absorption are now history!


In this article we have how to fight cellulite, starting from the things to avoid, passing through the drastic solutions and finally recommending some healthy exercises to practice where you prefer. We are sure that, with dedication and commitment, you will be able to get in tune with yourself by feeling regenerated.

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