There's that thin layer of abdominal fat that keeps ruining your line, isn't there? Maybe it's the belly below the navel that doesn't want to go away. It is also the fault of subcutaneous fat, a problem that affects both men and women. This is why there is always great interest in understanding how to eliminate adipose tissue. The solution exists even if the challenge is not easy to face.

Because, as we pointed out in the Guide to eliminate fat from the hips , It is difficult to lose weight in a localized way. You cannot lose weight only in one area of the body and it is increasingly complex to streamline some points. Just like the belly or thighs that represent the last reserves of fat that the body burns.

This, of course, does not mean abandoning the idea that you can fight the thickening of subcutaneous fatty tissue, both for men and women. What solutions can we list? How to eliminate adipose tissue and highlight the muscles developed after so many hours of gym? Here are some valid tips.

What is adipose tissue: definition

This term means, in general, an accumulation of fat that the body stores in order to make up for any shortcomings. It is part of our genetic heritage, the one that struggles to survive in any condition.

It is divided substantially into two types: white or yellow and brown. The first is a adipose tissue that is homogeneously found in all areas of the body and has very specific roles, such as the spare one in case of food deficiencies.

The second, the dark one, is concentrated in certain areas of the body and has as its main role the protection of the cold (in fact it is found mainly in newborns). There is also the distinction between fat:

  • Subcutaneous.
  • Intramuscular.
  • Visceral.

The latter is located in the abdominal area and is located in depth with respect to the subcutaneous one which instead concerns every area of the human body. Obviously with different proportions. The relationship between fat and muscles is addressed in the second case, which defines the presence of fat between the fibers that determine the movement.

Why decrease body fat?

The reason is simple: adipose tissue is a problem. In the first place for individual health and well-being. And then it is aesthetically ugly to look at, without forgetting that it thwarts efforts to lose weight. Do you want to deepen these topics?


Losing weight by eliminating adipose tissue means taking care of your state of well-being. In fact, excess fat is associated with cardiovascular problems, diabetes and cancer. Of course, fat is a decisive component in our body, but excess can lead to an increase in serious pathologies.


In particular, it is necessary to monitor with particular attention the abdominal fat that accumulates on the belly. This condition is particularly linked to cardiovascular problems and various complications.

So we have flabby arms because of the famous tendons of saggy skin, or the soft low belly right at the part below the navel. Bad feeling, right?

Accumulations of fat can be concentrated in specific areas: abdominal ones (without forgetting the love handles) for androids, especially men, and on the thighs and/or hips for the ginoids. Especially women.

This is a female and male problem, we discover the cause of fatty adipose tissue and the possible remedies to regain the right physical shape and tone of the body.

How to eliminate adipose tissue

Starting from a series of points already clarified-there is no localized weight loss, you cannot eliminate the belly quickly, fat is not bad in absolute terms but it is excess that becomes a problem-we must focus on solutions.

True, there are limits. But it is always possible to eliminate the last layer of abdominal fat and have a flat stomach even at 60. Just as it is a real goal to eliminate fat pads on the thighs or to streamline the pubis, arms and hips for women. What are the essential steps? How to eliminate adipose tissue?

Here you will find the advice, but remember one point: to have real and always effective help you must turn to professional nutritionists, personal trainers and medical professionals. It is these figures can give you a real contribution to weight loss, these tips do not replace or represent medical opinion.

Surgical interventions

Let's start the list of methods for eliminating the fat with the solution, from a certain point of view, more extreme. Namely with targeted surgery. In some cases we speak of mesotherapy to combat localized fat, for example on the human chest, in others we prefer to indicate liposuction. Namely to say :

"Liposuction (literally: sucking of lipids) is a surgical technique that consists in the removal of part of the subcutaneous adipose tissue through an aspirational cannula."

There may also be interventions for skin reduction and abdominoplasty, but the reality is simple: it is better to turn to medicine and surgery when there are precise indications and real problems. How to reduce adipose tissue naturally and without invasive interventions? Keep reading.

Power Supply

This must be the starting point for those who decide to eliminate adipose tissue seriously. Any nutritionist can agree on one point: healthy eating is the best way to maintain a balanced weight and a percentage of body fat adequate to your balance, bone structure.

Clearly this does not always happen, consequently you have to run for cover and propose a low-calorie diet. That is to say a condition in which fewer calories are taken than they take. In this way it creates a deficit that allows you to lose weight and burn excess fat. What are the essential points?

Digrade diet

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In the first place the regime, to be really effective, must carve out around the needs and characteristics of the individual. Which, in fact, has a different weight and an always different build with individual characteristics that cannot be replicated.

What is a good example to dissolve fat and eliminate fatty tissue accumulations? Bearing in mind that it is only a hypothetical condition, so avoiding precise definitions, a good diet for weight loss should have:

  • Breakfast: green tea with rusks and light jam.
  • Snack: a fruit or a low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: wholemeal pasta with light seasoning.
  • Snack: a fruit or low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: meat or fish, vegetable.

Clearly the combinations and proportions are variable. There are good tips for weight loss but if you want to proceed in a balanced way you have to contact a dietician. Only a professional, in fact, can provide you with the best solution to lose weight with a low-calorie diet, and then think about the right maintenance.

It is important to drink plenty of water

If you want to lose a lot and well you have to drink water, at least two liters a day. First of all, because often the sense of satiety is achieved by taking liquids and then purifying the body. Obviously, all carbonated drinks, alcohol and above all spirits are excluded from the diet, which represent a real problem in terms of calories.


From visceral to subcutaneous fat, nothing can resist the right combination of nutrition and motor activity. The basis of any fight against adipose tissue-to the point of breaking fat cells-is based on this balance: few calories and good activity to burn more than is introduced in food terms.

A good nutritionist can help you achieve this balance, until you eliminate the last layer of abdominal fat for men and fat accumulations on the thighs for women (two particularly sensitive areas). But the love handles and cellulite on the legs does not disappear suddenly, there is a need for continuity.

Aerobic activity

For sure aerobic activity is the best solution for losing body weight. Running, swimming, jumping rope and related sports like boxing and football allow you to work hard on your goal. Namely to lose weight and burn Fat Abdominal ..

Low and intense cardio activity contributes to improving physical appearance by burning fat, but also leading to a decrease in muscle mass. In summary, in the marathon runner you can find the example par excellence of the physique built for aerobic activity. If this is not your goal, it is better to balance your card.

Anaerobic activity

For sure to have a good aesthetic line, and not just eliminate fat on the lumbar or from the belly, you need good muscle activity.

Growing these fibers, in fact, means increasing the consumption of calories: unlike fat, the muscles need energy to support themselves, consequently training the body even with good weight activity can help speed up results. But it must be added: there are no slimming exercises.

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There are no known shortcuts and quick methods for losing weight specific areas. For example, exercises with the rods and the rotation of the torso do not serve to slim the hips. What you need to plan is a specific program that blends aerobic activity for the cardio and the anaerobic aspect to develop muscles.

In addition, it is right to add a moment dedicated to stretching the muscles, namely stretching, which improves mobility and limits pain, unexpected events, injuries.


Can we kill fat cells? Not really, the project to be carried out is about good physical activity and the work of optimizing the food plan. Preferring fiber and protein to fats and sugars, but without removing them completely.

In other words, you have to eat better. Especially fruit and vegetables but also proteins such as those found in fish and white meat.

But with nutrition we can face another point: that of food supplements. In fact, there are elements that allow you to maximize the slimming process. Need some useful advice to buy the items useful to your work?

Among the suggested food supplements we certainly find the Diet Protein Meal Replacement , A very interesting solution for those who are in a low-calorie diet weight loss situation to follow. Without forgetting the chocolate taste.

With this dietary supplement for adults, in fact, you can alternate meals with an effective combination based on proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Adipe Creams

Creams can also play a decisive role in fighting adipose tissue. In the first place it can be useful to have available AdipeKO , Unisex gel that has a definite goal: to speed up persistent fat reduction on hard-to-slim areas such as belly, hips, lumbar area and thighs. This is done by reactivating the skin microcirculation that generates the long-awaited slimming action. Then there are:

They are two similar products, and which aim at a single goal: to help reduce targeted fat tissue and point towards localized weight loss. This is done through draining and toning work compared to the affected areas-especially thighs, abdomen and hips-without forgetting to nourish the skin.

So, How to eliminate adipose tissue?

There is no single and always effective solution, what should be followed is-in addition to the rules imposed by a doctor or dietician-a well-structured combination of food attention, exercise designed to achieve certain goals and products such as creams and supplements that help to achieve the result.

Image credits:
Silhouette of woman. Image of wayhomestudio on Freepik