Today we will see abdominal exercises OVER THE TOP. This card is suitable for beginners and advanced players, eager to get the much sought after Sculpted Six-Pack in stone and smoothed by marble.
So let's say enough to couch potatoes like zapping and video games and go out: a new life awaits us!
The warm-up
Before throwing ourselves into the pouring rain praising apotropaic divinities, it is necessary to warm our abdomen.
The Plank (or marble statue) is perfect to start our session dedicated to abdominal exercises. This exercise engages all of your core muscles (the central muscle group) from head to toe, including the stabilizing muscles that we often neglect, mistakenly believing are less important.
Your body should be perfectly aligned, as if it were a bench. A straight line, without sagging shoulders or hips. You can't arch your back like cats or drop your heads to pendants. This statuesque position should be held for one minute..
Are you starting to give in to the thought of grandma's stuffed cannelloni? You are allowed to rest your knees for a few seconds, in order to complete the exercise more easily.
If you get bored, after the first minute you can vary your arms and legs.
Raise your arm in front of you for 10 seconds, then repeat this exercise with the other arm. In the space of a minute, repeat it 4 times. Raise your foot approximately 20 cm from the ground and hold the position for 15 seconds, then vary with the other leg.
After a two minute warm up you should be ready and active for our OVER THE TOP abdominal exercise session, having properly warmed up the central muscle band (The core).
The V (victory) session
The V-sit, while a basic exercise, works three important points: the rectus abdominis, hip flexors, and internal/external obliques.
Sit on the floor and contract your abdominal muscles, raising your legs to 45 degrees. Stretch with your arms until you touch the tips of your feet or, if you can't, at least your shin toes. Hold for a few seconds and repeat for a few times. With experience and training try to hold the position longer.
Bicycle in the air or abdominal
San Diego State University published a study where they proved that the abdominal bicycle is one of the best abdominal exercises. The abdominal bicycle works on the rectus abdominis and obliques.
Don't be fooled by its apparent simplicity. A lot of people get it wrong, pedaling to the hound member.
Lay down on the mat, lying your back on the ground, without arching it. Place your hands behind your head, avoiding pulling your neck unnecessarily.
Bring your knees towards your abdomen, bending them 45 degrees. Sweetly start simulating a ride. As you pedal, bring your left elbow towards your right knee and vice versa, alternating.
The exercise must be slow and controlled, not a race for the pink jersey. Repeat 10 to 25 times per side, depending on your endurance.

Medicine Ball Twist Rotation
The Rotating Twist with medicine ball It is an advanced exercise that develops the abdominal muscles. In this case we are talking about the rectus abdominis and external/internal obliques.
Be careful to choose the right medicine ball. Don't get excited by choosing one that's too heavy. You will perform the exercise incorrectly and begin to rock like a boat in the open sea.
Start with a light medicine ball and then, with experience, gradually increase the weight. Sitting with your back at 45 degrees, hold a medicine ball in your hand.
Contracting your abs, gently rotate your torso and lower to the right, letting the ball touch the floor. Then repeat the movement from the opposite side. Perform 10 to 20 repetitions and then rest.
Dragon Flag
On the other hand, for strong, marble-sculpted abs, some sacrifice is necessary.
It is a very tough exercise, also taken from Rocky 4 starring Sylvester Stallone (which inspired the title of the article): it requires experience and firmness, being very delicate.
The Dragon Flag combines isometric contraction with a very precise movement, making it the best for achieving the dream of a 6 pack abs.
Lie down on a bench/mat. Behind you need a rigid structure to which you can attach yourself with your hands, like a Swedish back, to achieve maximum stability. Bring your body vertically by making a human candle, descending slowly making sure that the torso remains detached from the base and the feet are the first to touch the ground.
Once your legs have gently lowered, slowly raise them back up to repeat the exercise.
Abdominal Exercises: How to Boost Results
A proper diet and healthy sports activity will help you on a general level but to sculpt your abs you can help yourself with a topical gel.
Before and after these exercises, to exploit and enhance the thermogenic action of the body, you can apply on your abdomen Fat KO. You will be able to see the first results quickly and thus enhance your daily training!
In this article we have shown you a card for advanced abdominal exercises. We invite you to stay with us to receive more advice and suggestions, see you next time!
Photo credits:
Girl abs. Images by master1305 on freepik