Today we will show you the most effective ones exercises for slim legs and calves in a short time, obtaining a satisfactory and in some ways astonishing result. Especially for women, one of the most annoying discomforts from an aesthetic point of view is certainly represented by large calves: for many women this aesthetic condition is particularly difficult to deal with in everyday life.
Exercises to slim legs and calves in a short time
To solve this unpleasant discomfort, the most effective solution is represented by the constant practice of effective exercises, aimed at making the calves of the legs more slender and sinuous.
Obviously the problem of large calves, in women as in men, is most often determined by the person's constitution and by genetic aspects that are independent of habits. However, there are exercises and physical activities that can limit the presence of fat in the calves: here's everything you need to know on the subject.
What causes big calves?
Before getting into the heart of the matter, let's examine the main ones causes which are the basis of the presence of big calves in the women and in men.
The presence of big calves and sometimes disproportionate to the body can depend on a series of reasons: in this regard it is good to point out that the calves are among the most resistant muscles in the human body, since they must be able to optimally resist the most varied stresses.
The calf is also one of the most difficult muscles to develop with the help of physical training. We can tend to say that the main cause of a particularly large and developed calf is due to an excess of muscle tone, depending on the sport practiced by the person. Sometimes the cause of a large calf is instead to be attributed to the phenomenon of water retention: in these circumstances, in addition to targeted physical exercises, to resolve the problem it will be necessary to change your eating habits, relying on the advice of a dietician or a nutritionist.
A suitable treatment that is easy to apply and useful on the whole leg is that of hot mud anti-cellulite because the properties contained are also suitable for deflating and detonating the muscle.
It is also true that particularly large calves in women are sometimes caused by the frequent use of high heels for many hours a day, which causes a contraction of the muscle: the latter will lose functionality, remaining shortened, precisely because of the rigid and forced posture that will determine a difficulty in the phase of stretching the foot.
In these circumstances, before planning targeted exercises aimed at slimming the calves, it will be appropriate to understand clearly and precisely what is causing the excess volume that characterizes the muscle of your calf.
Stretching to lengthen the calf
The first of the calf and thigh exercises what we want to recommend to you is the stretching: this exercise, like Pilates, helps to significantly reduce muscle tension. Stretching is suitable for everyone types of body and of calves and it will help you to decrease that feeling of having too muscular calves.
Perform your stretching exercises standing in front of a wall: place your hands on the wall and bring one leg behind you, well extended, keeping your heel resting entirely on the floor. At this point proceed by bending the other leg and gently pushing in the direction of the wall, with both hands. For the exercise to work properly you will have to feel a slight sensation of strain located on the calf of the outstretched leg. Hold the configured position for a time of approximately 30, 40 seconds, and then change the leg. Repeat the exercise for 3 consecutive sets.
Inverted V exercise
Always referring to the most suitable exercises to slim the calves, it is good to remember that the latter are muscles and therefore to make them leaner and more slender it is necessary to reduce their tension. There is no type of weight loss localized in muscles such as calves: however, there are exercises that are particularly suitable to quickly and effectively reduce muscle tension.
In this regard, we recommend the inverted V exercise: lie down and apply pressure to your hands, gently stretching your arms and raising your pelvis. Continue stretching your legs and keeping the soles of your feet and heels on the ground.
Fitness elastic
The last useful exercise to slim the calves involves the use of a fitness elastic: sit in a sitting position with your legs stretched out and your back straight. When you are in position you simply have to place the elastic below the tip of your right foot and hold it with both hands. Gently bend your arms taking care to keep your back straight and your legs taut. Pull the tip of your right foot towards you, holding the rubber band still.
Here is our journey to discover the best exercises that will allow you to slim down your big calves and muscular, without resorting to cosmetic surgery.