Made from clay enriched with natural ingredients, the draining mud They are one of the most effective remedies even against the most resistant cellulite.
Used regularly, they stimulate microcirculation and oxygenate tissues, reducing the formation of localized fat.
Let's find out more about them.
Draining and slimming sludges: properties!
Draining muds are compounds which, when applied on areas affected by cellulite, help to reduce swelling, drain tissues and restore correct microcirculation, improving the appearance of orange peel skin.
They can be at clay base, Of seaweed or sea salts.
Clay is a purifying mineral substance that is mixed with thermal water and absorbs its active ingredients such as vitamins, trace elements, sulfur.
Mud formulations are usually enriched with essential oils such as centella asiatica, black bilberry, ginkgo biloba, green tea, horse chestnut, hawkweed, all natural active ingredients known for their draining and purifying action.

They are a real shock treatment against cellulite: the properties of the substances contained in the draining muds promote the elimination of toxins and the drainage of stagnant liquids from the tissues, purifying the skin and reducing cellulite fat deposits.
Benefits of draining sludge
To summarize, the benefits of anti-cellulite draining mud are as follows:
- They drain excess fluids
- They eliminate toxins present in the tissues
- They stimulate microcirculation
- They deeply purify the skin
- They reduce cellulite deposits
- Lighter legs effect after use
- They smooth the skin surface
The use of draining muds generally has no contraindications.
During the application you may feel a widespread sensation of tingling and pinching, but do not worry: it is a normal physical reaction, due to the increase in microcirculation and the good functioning of the active ingredients contained in the treatment.
During pregnancy, mud should not be applied to the stomach and hips.
Mud and thyroid
If you suffer from thyroid However, you need to be careful when choosing the mud: avoid those that contain algae or sea salts, since iodine may worsen the condition of hyperthyroidism.
For this reason fgm04 mud does not contain algae therefore they do not interfere with the thyroid and can be used safely by everyone.
Where to buy draining sludge
Draining muds can be found in various places: supermarkets, pharmacies, herbalists, beauty and spa centres, but also specialized online shops.
FGM04 is a 100% Italian company which for years has been dedicated to research and experimentation of the most innovative products for body care and physical well-being.
The best anti-cellulite sludge
Among the most loved products in the anti-cellulite line, the Cold Mud Anti-Cellulite it is a mud formulated specifically to offer a shock treatment against cellulite deposits.
Based on green clay, its mineral composition is enriched by the following natural extracts:
- blueberry: protective of capillaries, reactivates microcirculation
- ginkgo biloba: stimulates circulation
- Green tea: draining and stimulating action
- zedoaria: lipolytic action, stimulates metabolism and purifies the skin
- Peppermint essential oil: refreshing, draining and firming skin tissues
The properties of the natural active ingredients contained are a real beneficial cocktail for your legs: with a pleasant refreshing effect, cold muds are ideal for a break from the summer heat and to pamper your skin.
While you relax, in 20 minutes the mud acts on tissue drainage and microcirculation, promoting theelimination of cellulite blemishes.

After application, your legs will immediately feel lighter and you will notice more elastic and smoother skin. And if you will be constant in the treatment, the visible effects on the improvement of cellulite will not be long in coming.
In the following paragraph we recommend an anti-cellulite routine that you cannot do without.
Draining sludges, how to apply them
The application of draining muds anti-cellulite is very simple:
- Spread the product with circular movements on legs, calves, thighs and buttocks forming a uniform layer
- Wrap the treated area with the sheet of paper included in the package or a transparent film
- Leave it to act for 20-30 minutes
- Once finished, remove the film and rinse with warm water, massaging gently.
Finally, it is recommended to apply an anti-cellulite oil or cream, in order to hydrate the skin and prolong the effect of the mud.
Among our favorite oils are almond and coconut.
If you are looking for a specific anti-cellulite cream, we recommend you the Gel CellKO Woman.
Enriched with the most effective active ingredients against cellulite, this rapidly absorbed cosmetic gel works in depth on the causes that determine the formation of cellulite: poor circulation and fluid retention.
His lipolytic and draining action stimulates microcirculation and reduces the formation of localized fat, and at the same time drains the tissues cellulite sufferers by eliminating excess fluids. Furthermore, the extracts of escin and diosmin contained within are a panacea for the capillaries, making it an adjuvant product also for those suffering from varicose veins or fragile capillaries.
Like Cold Mud, CellKO does not contain any sources of iodine and therefore does not interfere with the thyroid.
Anti-cellulite routine with draining sludge
The Cold Mud and CellKO Gel they can be used in synergy to obtain maximum results in improving cellulite:
- Apply the mud 2-3 times a week for a shock treatment
- After rinsing, spread the gel to maximize the effects of the mud
- On days when you don't use mud, apply the gel with an anti-cellulite massage to allow it to be absorbed deeply and keep the skin active.
By consistently applying this treatment, you will not only feel the comfortable sensation of lighter legs given by Improved circulation lymphatic, but as the days go by you will notice one significant reduction of cellulite edema and smoother, more toned skin.
Of course, when it comes to cellulite, to get rid of orange peel skin once and for all, you need to act on multiple fronts. So don't forget to match with products:
- a correct one hydration (2 liters per day)
- adiet balanced
- a protocol of training built specifically for your figure
Learn more: Reduce Cellulite Fast: 4 Effective Solutions