Costume Test: When do you start doing it?

ragazze in costume da bagno

Daily daylight hours increase, the sun timidly begins to make itself felt, the first flowers bloom. Nature awakens luxuriantly and begins to send us a clear message. They are missing 99 days to summer or rather at the swimsuit test!

Thus begins that time of year when the greatest concern of modern women and men changes. Having evolved from monkeys, according to Darwinian theory, once we have met our basic needs such as eating and sleeping, we aspire to something more. We aspire to our social fulfillment and all this passes, for us girls, through swimsuit test!

Even though we've discovered a new galaxy and, perhaps, new life forms, we no longer talk about natural disasters, stock market crashes, or alien invasions. But of the fateful swimsuit test!

Are you preparing for the costume fitting?

I'm sure so! Maybe you haven't started taking action yet, but you're surely already thinking about summer.

You think about how you'll spend it, the clothes you'll wear and buy in your favorite shops, the aperitifs you'll sip on the beach with your new boyfriend, the evenings spent dancing barefoot on the fiery beaches of the South...

If you have been following our blog in recent months, you will know that since December we have started to recommend good practices to get back in shape for the summer.

If you haven't had the chance to start yet, don't worry, today it's not too late to take action!

This article will be a brief excursus that summarizes all the good practices to get back in shape for the summer by brilliantly passing the swimsuit test, committing ourselves without too much effort. This is information that I have successfully applied, simple to follow. Nothing science fiction or impossible, then!

To make reading easier I have summarized everything in 3 short single paragraphs. We will talk about healthy eating, sports activity And cosmetic products effective.

Swimsuit test and… healthy eating

To get back in shape for the summer you must first focus on your goal.

We are what we eat, my colleague Marco often repeats. He is right, it all starts at our table: if we take in poor quality products, our body will also react accordingly, slowing down and suffering more when the maximum is asked of it.

alimenti sani

What can we eat? to get us in line?

  • White meat, fish, fruit and vegetables are fine, don't worry: green light.
  • At the red light we encounter cold cuts, bar snacks, refined foods and above all foods rich in salt which contribute to increasing water retention.
  • Salt is practically everywhere, so reducing salt intake is essential for our health.

In addition to remembering to follow the three main meals correctly (a large breakfast, a moderate lunch to be able to work in the afternoon, a light dinner before bed), we can include two snacks in the meantime. This way our metabolism will remain active and we will burn more calories, remaining efficient!

Every day we try to drink at least two liters of water a day (many foods contain water, so it is not an impossible goal). Water, through urine, helps eliminate waste from the body, without straining the kidneys like the hyper-sugary and carbonated drinks we find in vending machines and at the supermarket.

Swimsuit test and… asports activities: running and pilates

Imagine yourself already there, lying on the beach sunbathing, enjoying some well-deserved relaxation! We are always ready to say “I’ll start my diet tomorrow!”, the flowers bloom and we find ourselves in June frighteningly late for our goals, including the dreaded swimsuit test.

What are you willing to do to get moving? Sports activities will help you to eliminate, in a generalized way, those extra pounds that you have accumulated in these months spent under the blanket between cuddles and steaming hot chocolates.

The first thing you should ask yourself is: how much exercise do I do every day? How determined am I in my goal? We begin our review with two “gym” sports: running and pilates.


It is very cheap to practice and you can do it practically anywhere. Cities, parks, countryside… just find a path and follow it! Choose two comfortable and, if possible, “sprung” sneakers so that, during the strides, the heel is assisted in recovery, reducing fatigue and possible problems.

Start with a few km per day, gradually increasing. In this way you will train your body to work progressively, avoiding muscle tears and/or cramps caused by wanting to overdo it right from the first kick.

Listen to some music: it will help you keep the pace, motivating you as you move towards your goal.


The trendiest sport of recent years, much loved by us women. It is a combination of exercises that involves everyone
the muscles of the body, including the glutes. It allows you to stay in shape to the sound of music, in company in the gym near your home. Ideal for maintaining firm and sculpted buttocks.

Swimsuit test and… asports activities: swimming and skating

We continue our review with two very complete sports to achieve our goal: swimming and skating.

ragazza che nuota


The sport par excellence, recommended for all ages.
Swimming prepares you for all sports, but no sport prepares you for swimming.

My instructor Rebecca used to say this, and over the years, I've come to realize how right she was.
It is an excellent anti-stress, it involves all the body muscles and allows you to enter a new dimension, water.
It's wonderful to dive in and out, to rotate freely, cancelling out (so to speak) the force of gravity and playing on all dimensions.

Freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly… whatever style you prefer, if done correctly, it is an excellent workout for your body.
Like many physical activities, it should be done at least twice a week to show its fruits.

Compared to the gym, the results arrive in the medium-long term but on a muscular level it is the most complete.


It is the most complete sport after swimming because, by practicing it, we move all the muscles, including the glutes. A pair of skates and that's it, ready on the track to whiz by at the speed of light. Also ideal in company, it is the perfect combination to have fun while doing physical activity.

If you are looking for specific glute exercises to improve your results follow our guide!

Swimsuit test and… effective cosmetic products

In this article we have shown you what to eat and how you can train to pass the swimsuit test.

But at the beginning we also talked about effective cosmetic products. Hence the entry into the field of the gel at a topical level.
Fat KO It is a topical gel that exploits and enhances the body's thermogenic action.

You can apply it before and after training or, if you decide to skip it to indulge in Grey's Anatomy, in the morning and afternoon.

Having a localized action it allows you to lose weight in well-defined areas, where physical exercise and a correct diet fail because they act on a generalized level. Thighs and buttocks will no longer be a problem for you, thanks to this gel which, being quickly absorbed, can be applied even a few minutes before going out with friends and boyfriends.

It doesn't affect the thyroid and it smells nice. I was very satisfied with it and I invite you readers to try it too, sharing your experiences in the comments!

We invite you to stay with us for more tips and advice, see you next time!

Image Credits:
Girls in costume. Image of halayalex on Freepik
Girl swimming. Image of Freepik