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What is the best red yeast rice supplement?

Today we will talk to you about food supplements to fermented rice, trying to answer some questions including: what are the supplements to reduce the level of cholesterol And when to take them? What are the side effects and the Contraindications relating to the red yeast rice? And lastly, Better the supplements of Omega 3 or of red yeast rice?

Here is a detailed overview of this type of food supplements, capable of clarifying any doubts you may have about it.

Red yeast rice supplements: what are they?

There are some today food supplements which are used by people for keep your blood cholesterol levels under control. Among these supplements there are precisely the supplements based on red fermented rice. Knowing these supplements precisely is very important, since their use can lead to unpleasant side effects. side effects or contraindications. Here's everything important to know.

The food supplements Fermented red rice is now widely used in our country too, for the purpose of keeping blood cholesterol levels under control. Too high a level of cholesterol can be dangerous for our body since it represents a concrete risk for the cardiovascular diseases: it is important to underline that the latter represent the leading cause of death in Western countries.

Red yeast rice supplements, although not recognized as true drugs, can nevertheless give rise to some side effects, some of which are particularly unpleasant. For this reason, the intake of these supplements must necessarily be controlled by a doctor.

Fermented red rice: monacolin K

Among the cardiovascular prevention strategies suggested by health professionals for some years now is the intake of fermented red rice food supplements. The reason for using these supplements to prevent cardiovascular diseases is the presence in them of a substance called little monacolina K. This substance has an effect on our body comparable to what happens with the intake of statins, with all the pros and cons. Statins are contained in anticholesterol drugs. Monacolin K actually acts in our body as a real medicine.

Red yeast rice, characteristics

Red yeast rice is obtained from fermentation of common cooking rice. A particular process takes place in fermentation fungus called Monascus Purpurus. This mushroom has been used in China for millennia for the production of rice wine.

We can say that the scientific interest of red rice is mainly based on the action of the fungus Monascus Purpurus. The latter in the course of its activity is able to produce during the fermentation phase, important concentrations of monacolines and among these the above-mentioned monacholine K. It is precisely to the latter that the important ability to lower cholesterol is attributed.

Monacolina K e lovastatina

The pharmacological action of monacolin K, as well as its chemical structure, can be compared to that of lovastatin: it is a drug classified in the statin category and mainly used for the treatment of thehypercholesterolemia.

In fact, monacolin K acts in a similar way to lovastatin, inhibiting an enzyme that plays a primary role in cholesterol biosynthesis.

controllo della pressione

Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol: The Differences

In terms of controlling cholesterol levels, it is important to clarify the important differences that there are tgood cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Let's try to understand first of all what is cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a fat that is produced in part by our bodies and used by the body in the digestive process. In fact, cholesterol produces vitamin D, favoring the construction of cell walls. Cholesterol is transported in the blood by means of particular lipoproteins, different according to their density and size. For this reason it is important to distinguish between cholesterol that binds to low-density lipoproteins, called LDL or bad cholesterol and the cholesterol that binds to high-density lipoproteins, called HDL or good cholesterol.

Bad cholesterol can deposit in the walls of the arteries, potentially causing significant damage, while good cholesterol has a helping and supporting action in the removal of bad cholesterol from the walls of the vessels, which is then transported to the liver.

Normalize Cholesterol Levels with Red Yeast Rice Supplements

Numerous studies have shown that taking supplements based on red yeast rice is effective in normalizing total cholesterol levels in the blood.

We would like to mention in particular a study conducted on 324 dyslipidemic patients, who after 8 weeks of use of fermented red rice supplements, showed a 23 percent reduction in total cholesterol present in one's blood.

The study conducted has demonstrated how taking supplements based on red yeast rice is more effective than taking equivalent doses of lovastatin.

The action of these supplements is not limited to the properties of the aforementioned monacolin K, but to a set of combined actions.

From a commercial point of view, unlike statins, the production of supplements based on fermented red rice is permitted: the Ministry of Health, however, imposes a limit set at 10 milligrams, to guarantee its safety of use. The Ministry of Health also provides that when taking supplements based on fermented red rice, due to the presence of monacolin K, it is advisable seek the advice of a doctor.

Obviously, taking these supplements is absolutely not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women or for people undergoing treatment involving the use of lipid-lowering drugs.

Red Yeast Rice Supplements: Side Effects

Let's see what are the main side effects caused by taking red yeast rice supplements. Some organizations and scientific bodies point out that the use of this type of food supplements can sometimes expose consumers to potential risks to their health: the latter particularly characterize people who are particularly sensitive due to genetic predispositions, or with diseases or treatments in progress.

Among the main adverse reactions and Contraindications reported and found in some users of red rice supplements fermented there are:

  • Muscle pain and rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle cells)
  • Gastrointestinal reactions
  • Skin reactions
  • Liver damage
  • Stomach ache or heartburn
  • Headache
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Intestinal bloating and flatulence

ragazza che non sta bene

From the above it clearly emerges that the risk of taking these supplements is comparable to that which characterizes statins.

Red yeast rice: how long to take it

Due to the presence of monacolin K in this supplement, it is best to cycle its intake in periods established with your doctor, perhaps supported by the opinion of a dietician.

Red yeast rice: can it be stopped?

As specified in the previous paragraphs, taking supplements based on red yeast rice may give rise to the onset of some contraindications. People taking these supplements may experience severe headaches and some gastrointestinal disorders.

In case of side effects, in agreement with your doctor, it is best to immediately stop taking these supplements.

Taking red yeast rice every other day

In some cases, taking a supplement based on fermented red rice every other day may be sufficient. In fact, administration every other day may be sufficient for cases of cholesterol between 200 and 300 mg/dl.

The best red yeast rice supplements

Among the best red yeast rice supplements available on the market there is certainly Bromatech Kogi Plus. This is a dietary supplement with monacolin K, which can help the body maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.

This supplement must be taken daily to allow the effectiveness of fermented red rice on cholesterol. This supplement of red yeast rice It is often mentioned in forums that deal with the topic of supplements.

Many opinions on the web they also mention Lovachole as one of the best dietary supplements for reducing and normalizing cholesterol. Lovachole, along with a healthy and proper diet, contributes to a normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood. This food supplement against hypercholesterolemia allows you to:

  • Help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood naturally
  • Provide our body with a supply of Omega 3
  • Help reduce other risk factors, such as high triglyceride and homocysteine levels

This supplement does not have the side effects typical of synthetic statins.

Finally we would like to mention Cholester rule, another excellent product for regulating and normalizing cholesterol levels in the blood. This supplement, in addition to fermented red rice and obviously monacolin K also contains olive extract, extremely useful for the physiological metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, favoring normal blood circulation and the regularity of blood pressure.

Photo credits:
Pressure measurement. Image of senivpetro on Freepik
Headache. Image of nakaridore on Freepik