Orange Peel Skin: What is it? Remedies and Practical Advice

ragazza in shorts

Cellulite, a skin imperfection.

Today we will talk about how to eliminate cellulite , a problem that affects 9 out of 10 women. It is also called gynoid lipodystrophy, edematous-fibro-sclerotic panniculopathy and liposclerosis (I'll spare you the Latin names).
We usually know cellulite as “orange peel skin” or the even more brutal “quilt skin”.

Cellulite is a skin imperfection that appears pitted (hence the name “orange peel” or “quilt skin”). Cells containing fat increase in volume, depositing fat on female hips, thighs and buttocks. In this article we will explain how to eliminate cellulite and how many types there are.

Illness or mental illness?

There are conflicting and controversial opinions on the topic. Cellulite, except in rare cases, is only an asymptomatic aesthetic problem. Unfortunately it affects the female silhouette, disfiguring the skin and making it less attractive.

Although cellulite can resist diets, physical exercises and good will, today we will see together how to eliminate cellulite. This way you will regain a toned appearance and the self-confidence of being able to achieve goals.

What causes cellulite?

The main cause of this aesthetic imperfection is the action of the female sexual hormones, estrogen.
The adipose tissue is a layer of lipid cells under the skin; it acts as an energy reserve linked to your metabolism (also called calorie balance).

  • If the calorie balance decreases (you do more physical activity or ingest fewer calories by eating) the fat reserve decreases (lipolysis).
  • If the calorie balance increases (less physical activity or you introduce too many calories into the various meals) the fat reserve increases and the fat is deposited (liposynthesis).

The bad habits we will see shortly lead to poor circulation, which reduces oxygenation and accumulates waste products. All this inflames the tissues leading to cellulite.

This energy reserve is present in both sexes, but only causes cellulite in women. Estrogens, thanks to the retention of liquids, trigger a process that leads to an increase in volume and the destruction of the cells of the adipose tissue. This involves the diffusion of the triglycerides contained in the surrounding tissues; in addition it causes microcirculation disorders and swelling of the adipose tissue.

Water retention and poor circulation are friends of cellulite. However, there are some remedies to eliminate cellulite and we will now analyze them together.

How does cellulite manifest itself?

cos'è la cellulite

Before tackling how to eliminate cellulite, we should learn to recognize the various stages in which it occurs.

There are various stages of cellulite: they can be present in different areas of our body, even at the same time.

Let's learn to distinguish the four stages using the Nürnberger and Müller scale:

0 = No signs of cellulite. Hurray!

1 = The skin feels smooth. However, if we pinch it with our fingers or contract the muscles, we see the first signs of cellulite.

2 = The signs of cellulite are visible even without skin stimulation: "quilt" skin appears.

3 = The cellulite pads present in phase 2 are spread over a larger area and we find some nodules.

donna con cellulite

How many types of cellulite are there?

Cellulite can present itself in different ways and forms. Here are the three types of cellulite you may encounter:

  • Edematous : combined with edema (fluid accumulation) around the ankles, calves, thighs and arms.
  • Fibrous : combined with fibrosis that divides the adipose tissue under the skin into lobes.
    They are small nodules that appear like orange peel skin.
  • Sclerotic : combined with sclerosis, with large nodules and plaques, very painful.

What is cellulite aggravated by?

  • Tight clothing: Clothes that are too tight cause poor circulation by compressing blood vessels.
  • Stress: a problem of daily life, trying to reduce it is always valid advice.
  • Liver diseases: these diseases affect the liver and also affect the release of fat, damaging the tissues.
  • Wrong diet: too many calories, fats and salt encourage the accumulation of local fat and increase fluid retention.
  • Irregular intestinal function: an unbalanced diet towards certain foods (leaving out others) can compromise your regularity.
  • Immobility: standing for too long leads to circulatory problems. The blood struggles to rise from the extremities of the body, generating circulatory stasis.
  • Incorrect posture and crossed legs: to be avoided as they cause compression of the blood vessels.
  • Flash diets and little movement: losing weight drastically leads to the failure of muscle tissue.
    Reduced movement hinders circulation, making your metabolism and muscles inefficient.
    In this way we accumulate fat and risk circulatory stasis. No to the sofa and yes to a nice walk with your four-legged friend.

ragazza a spasso col cane

Avoiding these behaviors represents a first step in understanding how to eliminate cellulite from your life.

How to eliminate cellulite?

This is the question that guided our daily study on the topics of beauty.

Let's fight cellulite: nutrition and physical activity

  • Healthy, balanced and above all regular diet:
    white meats, eggs (source of protein), fish, lentils (we can eat them all year round, not just at Christmas).
    Legumes rich in iron, pasta and brown rice are also recommended (always in moderation).
    Let's avoid excesses between meals and consume fruit and vegetables in the right doses. Reduce salt and foods that promote water retention such as coffee (maximum 2 or 3 per day). Sausages, cheeses and chips should be limited to offer valid support and eliminate cellulite from our body.
    Reducing fats and sugars also allows you to limit overweight, even if cellulite in this situation is equal. It affects slim and curvy women, without distinction.
  • Drink lots of water during the day: a couple of liters would be ideal.
    Remember that many foods also contain water, including fruit.
  • Constant (2-3 times a week) and regular physical activity. We are not asking you for intense activity like Rocky, but a small daily gesture. Double the benefit: stimulate your metabolism and reduce fat accumulation.
  • Alcohol and smoking should be eliminated as they hinder correct circulation and increase water retention.
  • Avoid or reduce very tight clothing and high heels: they reduce circulation as do incorrect positions.
    Think about crossing your legs when you sit.

How to eliminate cellulite with creams?

donna che spalma crema su una gamba

An anti-cellulite cream, if combined with a correct diet and constant physical exercise, is a very valid help and produces beneficial effects for your body.

Visna Forte Gel for women is a latest generation anti-cellulite gel created to answer the question "how to eliminate cellulite". Contains Visnadine of plant origin, reinforced with Hesperidin and Blueberry to reduce capillary fragility.
Triple action against cellulite:

  • Reduction of bearing associated with water retention
  • Reduction of the orange peel appearance
  • Drainage of your tissues to curb the effect of cellulite and recover tone.

We chose the gel over the usual cream. The reason? It has a texture that allows instant absorption and you can also use it in your spare time. No more waiting for long exposures!
Therefore suitable for those who want to feel beautiful at any time of the day.

It allows you to fight the effects of cellulite by reducing and minimizing them.

A valid ally in the fight against cellulite, comfortable and practical to complement your efforts towards this tedious enemy.

Drastic solutions to eliminate cellulite

For women who prefer something more invasive, intense and radical, there are medical-surgical solutions.
These systems are very invasive and the risk-benefit ratio must be evaluated together with your doctor:

  • Pressotherapy: a problem with cellulite is fluid retention. Pressing the areas affected by cellulite with a special device stimulates the drainage of liquids and solves the problem.
    Alternatively we can use the laser to restore circulation in the areas affected by cellulite thanks to heat.
  • Mesotherapy: thanks to small needles, drugs are injected subcutaneously to eliminate excess liquids while toning the skin.
  • Liposuction: the most radical method of all. Excess fat is sucked directly.

In conclusion

In this article we saw how to eliminate cellulite (or significantly reduce it).
We will soon address the topic of how to fight it, so stay tuned to the social channels and the FGM04 blog!

Image credits:
Girl in shorts. Image of lookstudio on Freepik
Example of healthy skin and skin with cellulite. Immagine di brgfx su Freepik
Girl walking with dog. Immagine di senivpetro su Freepik