Fireworks Out Pre-workout Frutti Rossi 500gr


500g pack

Type: Powder Red Fruit Flavour

Gluten Free

Lactose Free

FOOD INTEGRATOR WITHOUT GLUTEN AND LATTOSE. Recommended daily dose: mixture 1 scoop (approximately 16g) with 200ml of water in a shaker.

Pre or Intra-Workout designed for those looking for focus, energy and body weight maintenance.
It is composed of all the essential amino acids, including BCAAs, mineral salts, antioxidants, tonic and adaptogen phyto-extracts.
Yerba maté is known and used by the first indigenous people of Latin America to combat tiredness, fatigue, low blood pressure and food cravings.
Guarana and green tea support concentration, strength and the use of fatty acids for energy purposes.
Alpha lipidic acid and acetyl carnitine complete the function of metabolic stimulation and maintenance of body weight.
Mineral salts help to restore electrolyte balance and counteract drops in blood pressure and dehydration.
With a fresh and captivating flavour, it can be drunk both before and during the workout, even diluted in 500 ml.

A differenza di tutti gli altri leggings in commercio, il nostro è realizzato con un rivoluzionario tessuto tecnico nel quale sono stati inseriti in modo permanente minerali naturali definiti bioattivi in grado di assorbire il calore del corpo e di rifletterli sotto forma di raggi infrarossi lontani (Raggi FIR- Far Infrared Rays) per offrire vantaggi sia in termini di prestazioni atletiche che di aspetto della pelle:

Miglioramento del recupero muscolare dopo l’attività atletica.

Il dolce calore emesso dalle fibre rinvigorisce il corpo, migliora l'aspetto della pelle.

Durevole e duraturo: i lavaggi ripetuti non diminuiranno le prestazioni

Riduzione degli odori.

Maggiore elasticità muscolare

Per ottenere risultati estetici si consiglia di indossare un capo realizzato con Tessuto F.I.R. per almeno 6 ore al giorno per 30 giorni consecutivi.

OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 è lo standard unico di certificazione e controllo nel settore delle materie prime tessili, dei semilavorati e dei prodotti finiti in tutte le fasi di lavorazione, che permette di identificare i prodotti che non presentano alcun rischio per la salute del consumatore. I nostri capi rispecchiano lo standard Classe 1, il più rigoroso, attribuito ai prodotti in tessuto per bambini e neonati fino a 3 anni di età, quindi i nostri capi assicurano la massima sicurezza possibile.

GLUTEN AND LACTOSE FREE FOOD SUPPLEMENT. May contain traces of oats, eggs and soy.

The list of ingredients of the product is present in the photo gallery.

Recommended daily dose: mix 1 scoop (approximately 16g) with 200ml of water in a shaker.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be considered a substitute for a varied diet. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. Keep out of reach of children under three years of age. Do not use during pregnancy and in children, or for prolonged periods, without consulting a doctor. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using the product. In rare cases, lipoic acid can cause hypoglycemia. Do not administer to children under three years of age. Store in a cool, dry place, with the package tightly closed.

In case of adverse reactions, we recommend that you consult your doctor immediately.



Activewear designed to help you reach your full potential. Because when it comes to being your best, there should be nothing standing in your way, especially not your workout clothes.
Functional and comfortable, our sportswear is made to accompany you in every sweat session. Since 2012, we have been designing and manufacturing the clothes that we ourselves want to wear, because we know the world of training and the people who live it every day.