SugarScrub Face Body 200ml
Sugar Scrub for Face and Body 200mlIs able to smooth the skin making it smoother by eliminating the impurities accumulated during the day.
Every advantage that theSugarScrubIt has for the skin is the result of some of its properties and the natural ingredients it possesses:
TheArgan oilIt is called Moroccan oil because of its origins, it offers numerous benefits for the skin, hair and nails. As you age, your skin becomes less elastic, which means that when it stretches later it is less likely to contract. This is why men and women tend to develop fine lines and wrinkles over time as they age. Reduced skin elasticity can also contribute to stretch marks. If you gain and lose weight you may see stretch marks on your hips, thighs and abdomen. Argan oil helps reduce wrinkles and stretch marks. This incredible oil increases the elasticity of the skin so that the skin returns to be elastic as in the origins.
This is because the oil containsVitamins E and A, Which both promote skin health. It also appears to help fade the appearance of stretch marks and age spots.
TheBeeswaxIt has aromatic, dermatological and therapeutic properties that make it excellent for skin care. Beeswax is rich in vitamins including vitamin A, which aids in exfoliation, improves skin hydration and skin cell regeneration. Beeswax contains ingredients that help attract water molecules to the skin, therefore keeping it hydrated and healthy over time. It has mild antibacterial properties, which inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria, while also preventing some bacterial and fungal infections. It benefits the skin by helping it fight contamination leaving it healthy and natural.
★LevigaThe skin
★DeleteThe impurities
★RenovationThe skin base
★DonateA bright appearance
Apply by massaging with light strokes in a circular direction, insisting on the thickest areas.
After exfoliating treatment, wet your hands with warm water and emulsifySugarScrubWith circular movements to complete the massage.
Finish by removing product residues in the shower or with a damp sponge.
* The effect ofSugar ScrubCould vary from person to person based on some subjective variables: their genetics, age and health status.
F.I.R technology
A differenza di tutti gli altri leggings in commercio, il nostro è realizzato con un rivoluzionario tessuto tecnico nel quale sono stati inseriti in modo permanente minerali naturali definiti bioattivi in grado di assorbire il calore del corpo e di rifletterli sotto forma di raggi infrarossi lontani (Raggi FIR- Far Infrared Rays) per offrire vantaggi sia in termini di prestazioni atletiche che di aspetto della pelle:
- Miglioramento del recupero muscolare dopo l’attività atletica.
- Il dolce calore emesso dalle fibre rinvigorisce il corpo, migliora l'aspetto della pelle.
- Durevole e duraturo: i lavaggi ripetuti non diminuiranno le prestazioni
- Riduzione degli odori.
- Maggiore elasticità muscolare
OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 è lo standard unico di certificazione e controllo nel settore delle materie prime tessili, dei semilavorati e dei prodotti finiti in tutte le fasi di lavorazione, che permette di identificare i prodotti che non presentano alcun rischio per la salute del consumatore. I nostri capi rispecchiano lo standard Classe 1, il più rigoroso, attribuito ai prodotti in tessuto per bambini e neonati fino a 3 anni di età, quindi i nostri capi assicurano la massima sicurezza possibile.
We are proceeding to change all external and rear labels from"Frida04"In"FGM04". You may find products with different labels, but they are both original! 🖤
The perfect balance between style, comfort and innovation
Every piece in our collection is designed and produced entirely in Italy according to the highest standards. This means superior quality, innovation and attention to detail, to offer you the ultimate in style and comfort.
Furthermore, our fabrics are OEKO-TEX® certified a guarantee of safety for your skin. This certification ensures that the materials are free from harmful substances, respecting the highest standards of sustainability and protection, even for the most delicate skin.
Choosing FGM04 means choosing Italian excellence, a leader in creating garments that combine performance, elegance and respect for you and the environment.

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