
  • Cardio exercises for weight loss: the advantage of fat burning training
  • Cardio exercises for beginners with and without tools
  • Home cardio training: squats + dumbbells on the shoulders
  • Bending on the arms
  • Triceps lunges
  • Oarsman
  • Sumo Squat + Bicipitii
  • Abs
  • Cardio training at home: the recommended clothing

Home cardio workout: the exercises to get you in shape

Does the famous problem of extra kg grips you too? Do you want to get in shape, but do not have time to go to the gym? No problem: the Home cardio workout Is the solution for you!

Cardio exercises for weight loss: the advantage of fat burning training

You will have repeatedly heard of“ Cardio workout ”: But what is it, exactly?

The cardio movement-where the word “cardio” is the short form of “cardiovascular”-consists of Aerobic type exercises Aimed at improving cardiorespiratory functions. An endurance training that bears fruit if performed consistently, in the right progression and with the correct adjustment of the exercises performed.

Cardio training is indicated for those who want Lose weight And Shaping your own body : Training with a heart rate interval between 60% and 70% increases the metabolic rate, effectively increases the energy intake of carbohydrates and fats and improves muscle and internal oxygenation. All these changes help to Burning empty calories And a Reduce excess fat ..
Find out all the details of the cardio circuit ..

Among the advantages of this type of training the fact that it can be Practiced everywhere , Which does not require expensive tools and that thanks to its incredible variety Getting bored is really impossible !

Are you ready to say goodbye to bacon and to like it again in a short time? Here's a Example of cardio training for weight loss To be practiced comfortably at home and aimed at those who approach this world for the first time.

Cardio exercises without tools

If you also want to increase your flexibility This Daniela workout It's perfect for you ..

Daniela in outfit FGM04

Cardio exercises for beginners with and without tools

After seeing an example of Tool-free workout , We show you below a possible Cardio exercise board for beginners , To be performed bodyweight or with the help of simple tools. A Circuit of 6 exercises Which must be repeated 12 times each, while the whole circuit must be replicated for 4 or 5 times with 2 minutes of recovery between one repetition and another.

Always remember to start with a 5-minute warm-up-the run on the spot alternating with the jumping jack is fine-and to finish with 5/10 minutes of stretching and muscle relaxation.

Home cardio training: squats + dumbbells on the shoulders

Let's start with a great classic: the squat. To its traditional version we add the use of dumbbells, extending the arms upwards during the ascent phase.

NB: as an alternative to dumbbells you can use two plastic bottles filled with water or sand.

Repeat for 12 times ..

Bents on the arms

We now come to the bending, which only require the use of the mat… and your resistance! You can perform them in isometric grip in a plank position, or by resting your knees on the ground. The distance between the hands must be slightly greater than that of the shoulders. Be careful not to arch your back. Maintain contracted abs.

Repeat for 12 times ..


Triceps lunges

Resume the weights and focus now on alternating lunges, bending your knee forward and keeping your torso straight. When you go down, bend your arms back by keeping your elbows as close to your head as possible, while when you move up, you extend your arms upwards.

Repeat for 12 times (for each leg) ..


Go back on the mat, rest your knees with your legs extended, put your hands at shoulder level and grab the weights. Keeping the abs contracted, bend your elbows backwards alternately, as if you were rowing. Don't curve your neck.

Repeat for 12 times (for each arm) ..

Sumo Squat + Bicipitii

Our dear squat again! In an upright position spread your feet just beyond the shoulder line and hold the weights in your hand. Bit out, descend into a squat position being careful to keep your back straight and with your arms extended down. In the ascent phase, bend your elbows towards yourself.

Repeat for 12 times ..


Our circuit comes to an end with the sixth exercise: the abdominals. Among the varied world of crunches, the card includes the Cross variant : Lying on the ground and with your arms spread out, raise your right arm and left leg at the same time, then return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite limbs.

Repeat for 12 times per side ..

The circuit is over: now give yourself 2 minutes of recovery and then repeat it 4 or 5 times.

Cardio training at home: the recommended clothing

How to dress to do gymnastics at home? From technical leggings to t-shirts, from sports bras to shorts, in our article“ How to dress to do gymnastics at home? Sports Outfit ”We have collected many useful tips to train at home in maximum comfort and increasing your performance!

Among the absolute novelties the Ikonic clothing line , With many ideas to train at home without sacrificing aesthetic taste: an original way to amaze friends when training together in video conference!

FGM04 achieves Slimming sportswear High quality 100% Made in Italy .. To discover the constantly updated catalog and place your orders visit the “clothing” section of the Our website .. For any questions please write to Customers @ Or the Whatsapp number 393 454 2587.