
  • Home workouts without tools: are they effective?
  • Body-free exercises for the upper part
  • Bends on the arms
  • Tractions
  • Dips for triceps
  • Exercises for bodyweight shoulders
  • Exercises for abs
  • Exercises to train legs and buttocks without tools
  • Squat
  • Step up
  • Alternating lunges
  • Butt Bridge
  • Women home workout card
  • Tips for a good workout at home

In this period of forced closure of the gyms, home workouts are the lifeline of many fitness enthusiasts who do not want to lose the motivation and results obtained with so much effort.

Workout at home without tools You can and it's also a lot of fun: find out which are the best body workouts for a DIY workout card.

Home workouts without tools: are they effective?

Many people wonder if the Bodyweight training Both As effective as weight training. The answer is yes, it is simply two different ways of training!

You know the physique of the athletes of Calisthenics ? Here, they are the clear example, taken to the extreme, of how you can train your muscles even without using weights.

Our body itself is an overload that we can use for our workouts: the important thing is to choose effective bodyweight exercises and change the intensity of the training according to our needs.

In this article I want to show you some free body exercises, divided by muscle districts, from which you can start to create your own training card at home.

Body-free exercises for the upper part

The most effective exercises for training the upper body are those that involve most of the muscles in the movement. Let's see the main exercises and variants:

Bending on the arms

Also said Push up Or improperly Push-ups , Is a comprehensive exercise that trains pectorals, backs, arms (especially triceps).

If performed with the hands wider than the shoulders, the focus will be on the pectorals; by tightening the grip, with the hands under the shoulders and the elbows closed, the triceps will be the muscles most involved. For beginners, you can perform the Knee bends on the ground .. Those who are more trained, on the other hand, can try the advanced variant by placing their feet higher, for example on a chair.

esercizio flessioni


The main exercise for those who want to train their back, which consists of pulling on a bar. Movement also involves the shoulders and triceps depending on the grip (wide or narrow). The pull-backs are not simple, but they are very complete. If you do not have a bar at home or have never tried this exercise, you can try the Australian pull up : Lying under a table, grab the edge with your hands and draw as if it were a normal bar.

Dips for triceps

The Dips They mainly train the triceps and pectorals. They can be performed comfortably at home with the use of a chair to be placed behind you for the support of the hands.

The advanced version involves the use of a second chair as a support for the feet; with the legs raised, the exercise becomes more intense.

Exercises for bodyweight shoulders

The exercises we have just seen are great for training the entire upper body. If instead you want to train your shoulders specifically, you can try these exercises:

  • Tilted push ups: like arm bends, but using a chair or step to have a rise on which to rest your hands. By holding the upper body higher than the lower, the anterior deltoid muscle of the shoulder will work more;

  • Alternatively, you can perform the side risers, the front risers and the slow forward using objects in the house to replace the two dumbbells, for example of water bottles;

Exercises for abs

Training bodyweight abs? You're spoiled for choice!

Here are the main exercises for abs for a flat stomach to do at home:

  • Crunch and variants: reverse crunch, booklet crunch, sit-down crunch, side crunch, straight-legged crunch, sit-up...
  • Mountain climber: to add a cardio component to training;
  • Plank: sealing exercise, intermediate difficulty;
  • Hollow body position: advanced position, involves not only the abdominals but a large part of the musculature;

If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with classic crunches, alternating them with mountain climbers to also train your workout resistance.

You can also find it useful to read our article Abdominal fat: how to eliminate it ..

Exercises to train legs and buttocks without tools

To train legs and buttocks free body we have many free body exercises to do at home, here are the main ones:

ragazza che esegue esercizio squat


One of the fundamental exercises to make the legs and buttocks more toned, you can safely perform even at home. The muscles involved are mainly quadriceps and buttocks; if we widen the support of the feet, we also train the inner thigh ( Sumo squat ).

For those who want to increase the intensity of the exercise, I recommend trying the Squat jump Or the Bulgarian squats With the help of a chair to rest a foot and perform the exercise with one leg.

Step up

For this exercise all you need is a rise on which to put a foot and climb; trivial, no? And yet it is one of the most effective exercises for training the legs and especially the buttocks. The higher the rise, the more the difficulty increases!

Be sure to choose a stable step or chair and also try the variant Side step up To train the outer thigh area.

Alternating lunges

You can perform the lunges by alternating one leg and the other on the spot or, if you have a large enough space, try the Walking lunges .. Looking for a higher intensity? Try to do the Jumping lunges To improve your explosiveness in jumps and strength in your legs.

ragazza esegue esercizio affondi

Butt Bridge

As the name itself says, the buttock bridge has a particular focus on the B side, but also on the femoral muscles. The execution is simple: lie flat on the ground with your knees raised and feet flat. Lift your pelvis by squeezing your buttocks; complete the movement by returning you to the ground.

If you are used to doing this exercise in the gym with a dumbbell or a barbell to be overloaded, you can try these variants:

  • Monopodal buttocks bridge with raised leg
  • Butt bridge on mezzanine level
  • Isometric buttocks bridge

You might also be interested in: How to have firm buttocks in a week ..

Women home workout card

This training with the exercises divided into three circuits:

1 circuit x3

  • Kneeling press shoulder x12
  • Lat pull down to earth x12
  • Walking squats x10

2 circuit x3

  • Butt bridge x10
  • Abductor in squat x20
  • Side lifts x10

3 circuit x3 (No rest)

  • Plank 40”
  • Plank twist x10
  • Sit up x12

In the video, Carolina uses rubber bands and some dumbbells to increase the intensity of the exercises as in the buttock bridge. If you do not have rubber bands at home, you can simply do the workout without, or choose one of the variants that I proposed to you in the previous paragraphs, for example, the buttocks bridge on upside.

Tips for a good workout at home

We know: those used to going to the gym probably don't feel the same charge in training at home.

This is why we want to conclude this article with some final advice to find the motivation for a nice free body workout, even within the four walls of the house:

  • Train with friends: even if you live alone, call a friend, connect to Skype and train on the same video workout. As they say: in friendship we share joys and sweats... sorrows, right?

  • Comfortable and sexy clothes: just because we are at home does not mean that we have to train in our pajamas. Or at least, not always. Do not underestimate the power of a beautiful sporty and refined outfit: the mere idea of wearing it will make you regain lost motivation. You can find some ideas here ..

  • Finally, have fun! Do not think of the workout as a duty, but as a moment of leisure. Put on your favorite playlist, wear a sporty suit that makes you feel comfortable, dance a little to start warming up, and start loaded more than ever!