The benefits of this type of Abdominal workout ?

Reduce the risk of incorrect movements and limit discomfort in the neck and lumbar area, linked to the conduct of the traditional crunch.

Among the isometric exercises of Abdominal workout More in vogue in recent years, the family of Plank .. We close, therefore, our fitness circuit with this position.
From the English “table”, this exercise has military origins and is perfect for strengthening not only the abdominals of the rectum area, but also the dorsal muscles, the lumbar area and hips.

A phenomenal mix for Back support , Favor a Correct posture And, Ça va sans dire , Sculpting abs .. How do planks perform?

The most common position is very simple to take.

Let's begin!

From prone, rest your forearms on the ground, squeezing your elbows to your shoulders. Stretch your legs and point your feet to the ground.

Now lift the body, taking care to stretch and contract all the muscles to create, between the torso and the legs, a Straight line, parallel to the floor .. Hold this position for 30 seconds , Then released.

Ripete 3 back .

To have a perfect result, performing the plank take care of:

Do not drop the hips, trying to keep the pelvis in line with the head and stretch the body well;
Do not lift the buttocks too much, pointing upwards;

Do not close your shoulders, curving them.

On the contrary, open the chest and lower the shoulder blades; Do not tilt the hips, risking to put the body in imbalance and overforce a hip; Do not bend your knees.

The kettlebell for a more intense abdominal workout

After the first basic training period, those who feel ready to raise the bar of the Abdominal workout Can try to use the kettlebell.
A tool as simple as it is effective, perfect for increasing the intensity of the Abdominal workout Integrating some more specific exercises.

Thanks to this cast iron ball designed for training, you will be able to maximize the impact of your Abdominal workout And sculpt the belly. For toning and Strengthen the area of the Abdominal rectum , Here is an ad hoc movement. Lie on your back on the rubber mat, stretch your legs and bring your arms outstretched above your head.

Starting from this stretching position, Grab the kettlebell With both hands. By giving you momentum with well-contracted front abs, raise your back forming a 90-degree angle to your legs.

  • Always with your arms outstretched over your head, bend your legs and Stand up ..
  • Repeat the movement to descend, to return to the starting position.
  • Breathe and run again.

ragazza che esegue addominali barchetta

This exercise, effective for intense Abdominal workout , Must be repeated 20 times, in series of 3 ..

Those who wish to train Oblique abs , And streamline the figure, can try this simple movement.
Sitting on the rubber mat, plant your feet on the ground and bend your legs in front of you.

Now raised your feet, remaining Suspended in balance on the coccyx .. Grab the kettlebell with both hands and Torso twists , As if you wanted to bring the object next to the hips, alternately.
Replicate the twists 15 times per side, a total of 30 movements .. Rest, placing the soles of your feet on the ground, and take a break for a minute, and then start again. Repeat for 3 series.

Stretching to relax the muscles

At the end of the circuit for the Abs workout Do not forget to stretch to stretch the muscles and avoid contractures. Here is a simple but very useful exercise. Lie on your stomach, place your palms under your shoulders.

Now stretch your arms and lift your torso and head, until you feel the belly muscles slightly pull. Hold the figure for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.