metro da sarta su una ragazza con pesetti in mano

Getting in shape after the holidays: what are the exercises to do?

No drama, getting back in shape after the holidays yes you can.Small vices, dinners with friends and a lot of relaxation: on vacation, thanks to the little movement and an unregulated diet, it is easy...
ragazze in costume da bagno

Costume Test: When do you start doing it?

Daily daylight hours increase, the sun timidly begins to make itself felt, the first flowers bloom. Nature awakens luxuriantly and begins to send us a clear message. They are missing 99 days to summer or...
Pilling Tessuti: Come evitare i pallini sui maglioni?

Textile Pilling: How to avoid the dots on the sweaters?

The term pilling indicates that phenomenon that leads to the formation of small pellets (pills) on fabrics, capable of making our favorite clothing appear old and ruined in a short time. Not necessarily this is...
Leggins per Circolazione e Microcircolo: come migliorarla?

You can't get rid of cellulite if you don't improve microcirculation

Eliminate cellulite by improving microcirculation Eliminating cellulite seems just a dream, yet there are treatments and remedies that can do a lot to get a Smoother and more compact skin, Later I will explain what...
Come avere degli addominali scolpiti? Consigli e benefici


Abdominal exercises: looking for a balance Abdominal exercises, healthy and adjuvant nutrition together with research, desires and goals! Thought and written words, promises maintained and finally my method. Here I am again, as promised to tell the experience...
gambe di donna in spiaggia

Difference between Cellulite and Localized Adiposity in Thighs: what is it?

How many times, looking at ourselves in the mirror, have we asked ourselves “but are these pads fat or cellulite?”. With the arrival of summer fitness becomes a special remark, and achieving the desired silhouette...
donna che si esercita facendo affondi in soggiorno

3 tips to get in shape after Christmas binges

A toast and then a slice of panettone, and again a toast, a dinner and an aperitif at the end of the year with colleagues. Vices, vices and tears to the rule during the Christmas...
Aloe Vera: Proprietà curative, Benefici e utilizzi, a cosa serve?

Aloe Vera: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses, what is it for?

Did you guys have a happy holiday? Have you been with family and friends? Did you joke and share in front of aperitifs and around laid tables?Fine! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the...
Migliore Integratore Vitamina Gruppo B: qual'è?

Best Vitamin Group B Supplement: what is it?

It is now certain, our physical and mental well-being also comes from within. Beauty, brightness, young and vital appearance: what appears outside is the mirror of how we are internally. This is why it is...