ragazze con completo Eldorado FGM04

Buttzes Sodi in 7 days: What Exercises to do in 1 week?

Today I want to share with you the most effective exercises for the buttocks. I documented why in a few days it is spring and you have to start taking out mini skirts and shorts...
silhouette di donna

How to eliminate abdominal fat: guide for beginners

I decided to focus this article on how to eliminate abdominal fat (specifically male fat), making a beginner's guide. In fact, after the holiday season, I realized that in addition to my aunt's sweater and...
INCI Cosmesi: Come si Leggono i valori nelle etichette?


INCI Cosmetics: what it is about How many times have you been told that to understand the quality of beauty products you have to read their INCI cosmetics? Easy right? Even a child could do it! Mmmhhh… thinking...
Come eliminare l'accumulo di grasso localizzato?

How to eliminate localized fat accumulation?

Localized fat: how to eliminate it! With these questions, a new challenge begins for me, as promised! Every path is a journey… and every journey is a discovery! The Christmas lights have now gone out...
A cosa serve la pulizia del viso

What is the cleaning of the face for

Facial cleansing: a daily routine I am often asked what is the purpose of facial cleansing.The face is the first impact on the outside world. It is the business card in professional and private relationships,...
ragazza che esegue esercizio addominali

Exercises to Strain and Tone Your Belly

The benefits of this type of Abdominal workout ? Reduce the risk of incorrect movements and limit discomfort in the neck and lumbar area, linked to the conduct of the traditional crunch. Among the isometric...
Che cos'è la Visnadina? Combatti la cellulite con il Gel per Adipe


Approaching the very wide world of cosmetics is not at all easy. For every need we are faced with an infinite range of brands and products. Everyone - Obviously - they assure us that they...
Come Togliere e Perdere la Pancia per un Uomo?

How to Remove and Lose Belly for a Man?

How to eliminate bacon quickly and permanently How to quickly and definitively eliminate bacon? Nowadays there are many people with weight problems who need to shed extra pounds. Eliminating bacon is not just an aesthetic...
Mettere la Crema Tutti i Giorni Fa Male?  Verità e miti sfatati

Is moisturizer bad for the skin? Tips and mistakes to avoid

Having fresh and hydrated skin is the dream of all women: in recent years skin routine tutorials have multiplied and hundreds of products dedicated to skin care have been released on the market. Did you...